- Advising Center: Helps students achieve their educational goals and timely degree completion through sound academic planning and support, assistance with college adjustment, and referrals to relevant campus-wide student support services. Professional advisors help exploratory students with their Eastern-in-4 plans. In addition, advisors and student peer advisors are available on a walk-in basis to support students on a variety of academic topics, including registration processes and deadlines.
- Math Achievement Center: Provides free, drop-in math tutoring by certified student tutors. Students can also go to the MAC to work with the TI-83/84/89 calculator or math-relate software, work on math homework, and access math textbooks.
- Office of Accessibility Services: Provides guidance and services to ensure equal access to all educational programs and activities at Eastern. Assists incoming students who had 504 plans in high school with the transition to college. Facilitates accommodations and support services to students with documented disabilities and temporary injuries. Website includes links to accessible maps, steps for reporting an ADA issue, information about assistive technology, and guidance for faculty on accommodations and universal design. It also includes guidance about the rights, roles, and responsibilities that students, faculty, and the OAS share to ensure successful implementation of accommodations.
- Tutoring Center: Offers one-on-one tutoring sessions to help students with course content and skill development. Tutors can also help students assess their current strengths and weaknesses among their academic routines and devise an improvement plan that addresses time management, organization, goal setting, note-taking, studying, and/or school-life balance.
- Writing Center: Provides trained undergraduate peer tutors to support students in their writing development. Tutors can help students understand what an assignment is asking for, think through an outline or possible topic, and review their writing. Students should come to Writing Center appointments with specific questions or things they want to work on, e.g. "Does my argument make sense?" or "Is my organization clear?" or "Do I have a lot of punctuation mistakes?"
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