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If you observe behavior that is of concern, tell somebody.

Submit your Tell Somebody Report

In an effort to enhance already existing processes, the University has created a Threat Assessment Team (TAT) to complement the existing Student Intervention Team (SIT) to deal with concerning, troubled, and/or at risk faculty, staff, and students.

The charge of these teams is to assess circumstances, enhance communication, and initiate appropriate responses to specific behavioral problems that may involve threats to the safety and security of the University community.

The Student Intervention Team (SIT) includes the following members:

  • Dr. Kemesha Wilmot, Dean of Students (Chairperson)
  • Dwayne Cameron, Director of Student Conduct (Co-Chairperson)
  • Brooks K. Scavone, Director of AccessAbility Services
  • Angela Bazin, Director of Wellness Education Outreach and Veteran Care
  • Christopher Fiore, Sergeant in University Police Department
  • Christi Craig, Counselor in Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Sara Madera, Director of Institutional Equity/Title IX Coordinator
  • Dr. Indira Petoskey, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
  • Alison Whitcomb, Director, Academic Services Center
  • Paul Serignese, Interim Director, Housing and Residential Life
  • Kerri Rosa, Detective, Public Safety

The Threat Assessment Team (TAT) includes the following members:

  • Michelle Delaney, Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Dr. Bryce Crapser, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Dr. LaMar Coleman, Vice President for Equity and Diversity
  • Stephen Tavares, Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police
  • Jeremy Campbell, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Benjamin Pauley, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Kemesha Wilmot, Dean of Students

If a member of the University community observes any behavior that is concerning and that needs to be brought to the attention of the above stated teams, individuals may report the behavior using the online report form which will then be forwarded to the appropriate team for review.

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This is not a system to be used for emergencies!

If you are in an emergency situation that requires
medical, psychological, or police services, please:

Call 911

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Even when there is no threat to harm, it is recommended to involve others to discuss concerning behavior. Below is an additional list of contacts with whom you may consult:

  • If you don't know whether to be concerned about a student's behavior, contact the Dean of Students at (860) 465-5247 for guidance and support.
  • If you need to consult with someone about a student in emotional distress, contact the Counseling and Psychological Services Office (CAPS) at (860) 465-0181.
  • If you need to consult with someone about a student's disruptive behavior and the University disciplinary system, contact Student Conduct at (860) 465-0405.
  • If you don't know whether to be concerned about a faculty or staff member's behavior, contact Human Resources at (860) 465-4650 for guidance and support.
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