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Student Clubs

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Eastern has more than 90 student clubs. If you don’t have the one you want, no problem. Come up with an idea, find some friends to share it with, and start your own club! Students who participate in student clubs get better grades and graduate on time! Check out the other student activities on campus! Or find out how club leaders work together in the Student Government Association.
  • Members of the 180 Christian Fellowship pursue a Christian life through prayer, worship, fellowship, and Bible study. The club seeks to contribute to the Eastern and Willimantic communities by encouraging thought-provoking and non-condemning spiritual and theological discussions, as well as building long-term, healthy and supportive relationships.

  • Accounting Society members receive up-to-date public accounting information and out-of-classroom experiences. They participate in formal and informal events and network and interact with accounting professionals.

  • The African Club of Eastern promotes interest in the history, development and cultures of Africa and the diversity that unites us all, while promoting community service programs, events and activities. The club benefits its members, Eastern and surrounding communities while offering members and other Eastern students opportunities to improve their image, leadership qualities and communication skills.

  • Anime club members have a common interest in Japanese animation (Anime), literature, theatre and other aspects of Japanese and related Asian cultures.

  • Anthropology Club will inform and educate students about the different aspects of Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Anthropology Club is to provide educational and engaging activities and events related to the field of anthropology for its members and Eastern community.

  • The purpose of this club is to create a space for art students, non-art students, and art enthusiasts. The club will welcome students who want to develop their art skills as well as those looking to expand their creative abilities, specifically illustrations.

  • The Asian Cultural Society educates the Eastern community about Asian cultures, uniting the Asian community with others to celebrate diversity, while encouraging leadership, civic engagement and academic success through events and activities.
  • The Badminton Club’s mission is to bring together Eastern students who are interested in the sport of badminton and to instill team building skills and healthy lifestyles.
  • Best Buddies volunteers are matched in mutually enriching friendships with persons with intellectual disabilities. The club provides and advocates activities to heighten awareness about equal opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities, including promoting one-to-one friendships and integrated employment.

  • To create and promote an atmosphere for students to bond over the game of pool. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Pool/Billiards Club plans to encourage inclusion and provide a safe environment for its members and Eastern community.
  • The Biology Club informs and educates students about different aspects of biology and fosters a sense of community among students of Biology and related areas.

  • As an affiliate of Information Technology Students of America, the BIS-ITSA Club is dedicated to providing opportunities to expand knowledge of information technology, systems, and analytics. Professional development and scholastic excellence are enhanced through cooperation with business-technology organizations, guest speakers, and business networking.

  • The mission of the Black Student Union (BSU) is to highlight black excellence at Eastern Connecticut State University by creating a community od students dedicated to promoting Black achievement through civic engagement, community service, history, and high academic performance.

  • To bring back the joy of reading for students that are already stressed with their academics. As a student club of the ECSU community, the Eastern Book Club provides a space for readers to discuss their opinions and connect with other students through literature.
  • The Business Connections club is committed to provide its members with opportunities to foster professional relationships and promote networking opportunities with business professionals. Through regular meetings and events, we aim to create a community of like-minded individuals who can support each other in achieving personal and professional success.

  • The Campus Lantern is dedicated to informing students about the news and events happening at Eastern; to creating a place where students can gather and discuss topics important to them; and to providing a source of valuable, truthful journalism for the student body and beyond.

  • To inform and educate students about the various aspects of the automotive world, as well as host events that are based around cars that are fun and engaging for all Eastern students
  • The Caribbean Student Association serves as an information and support center for students of all origins, with a special focus on Caribbean origins. The club is committed to serving as a support group academically, culturally and socially by providing activities and events to which its members and the Eastern community can benefit.

  • The chess club hopes to inform and educate students about the different aspects of chess, as well as provide fun and informative activities and events for its members and Eastern's community.

  • Chill Club is committed to uniting students of all backgrounds to share the common joy of relaxation and peace of mind. We would like to be the first club that highlights the importance of relaxation and its effect on our overall wellness whether it be spiritual, physical, emotional, or even environmental. The goal of this club is to inform students of the resources available to them and to equip students with several stress management skills and activities.

  • The College Democrats seek to inform and educate students about the different aspects of the democratic process and the world of politics, using activities and events for its members and the University community to promote intelligent discourse.

  • The Comic Book Appreciation Club seeks to inform and educate students about the different aspects of comic book-related media by providing comic-related activities and events for its members and the Eastern community.

  • Members of the Dance Team act as ambassadors for Eastern Connecticut State University by providing school spirit and entertainment to the student body, faculty and staff through dance performances on campus as well as at local and national competitions.

  • The Creative Writing Club provides a place for English majors and those interested in writing and literature to share ideas while promoting creative expression. The club also publishes Eastern's annual student literary journal,"Eastern Exposure," and hosts literary and cultural events.

  • The Criminology Student Institution Club is to provide educational and realistic activities and events for its members and Eastern community.
  • DiversAbility broadens the campus’s understanding of diversity in regards to people with disabilities and works towards making the campus community a more accepting place. Activities includes creating an accepting space on campus where people can come and express their concerns about accessibility on campus and in the nation. The club also hosts speakers on related topics.

  • To inform and educate students about the various aspects of different ways to bake, healthy ways to bake, and encouraging body positivity through these ideas. As a student club of the Easten1 community, the Doughy Delights Club is to provide nutritional information about the art of baking as well as body positivity/image activities and events for its members and Eastern community.
  • The Drama Society promotes theatre activities on campus, giving students a chance to participate in theatre events, while enriching campus and local community life through the theatre. The society encourages the appreciation of theatre as an art form, an academic discipline, and as entertainment.

  • The Eastern Cheerleading Program provides opportunities for squad members to participate in competitive cheerleading activities and events while promoting the sport to the campus community.

  • The Eastern Aspiring Educators sponsors activities and events to inform students about careers in education while providing members with professional development opportunities in the field of education.

  • The Environmental Club advocates for the importance of minimizing human impact on the environment by using sustainable practices both on campus and throughout the community. We aim to educate our members, as well as the greater Eastern community, through hands-on activism, community service, and discussions around the topics of environmental health and awareness.

  • ETV, formerly known as TV22 has been formed from two former clubs, Eastern Expedition and the Communication Club, to create one media and news club that reaches the entire campus. The club gives students with Communication majors or minors the opportunity to experience television production and prepare for real-life job experiences.

  • Members of the Exercise Science & Nutrition Club hope to inform and educate students about the different aspects of exercise science as well as nutrition, as well as provide a space for a conversation about the subjective aspects of health and wellness. They also plan to extend classroom community to members of the major as well as to members of the Eastern body who are interested in the field. This student-run club will offer activities and events to promote a healthy lifestyle for all members of the Eastern community.

  • The Fashion Forward Club provides activities, hosts events and plans trips for its members and the Eastern community to educate students about fashion trends.

  • The mission of FEMALES is to promote unity, leadership and sisterhood among women at Eastern by sponsoring and/or attending workshops, lectures, seminars, local and national conventions. F.E.M.A.L.E.S hopes to develop the character of women, strengthen their self-esteem and provide them with the resources necessary for self empowerment and successful achievement in their future endeavors.

  • The fencing club aims to provide a safe space for anyone with interest to learn about fencing, learn to fence, and support each other in their journeys. The fencing club also attempts to provide opportunities for the Eastern community to come view matches.

  • To inform and educate students about the different aspects of film and film making, the Film and Media Club is to provide film inspired activities and events for its members of the Eastern community.
  • To inform and educate students about the different aspects of finance, the financial realm, and expose them to opportunities in financial markets. Provides fun, engaging, and educational activities and events for its members and Eastern community.

  • Freedom at Eastern provides a welcoming and supportive environment for undocumented/DACA students, while using dialogue, education and activism to raise awareness about immigration issues on campus, in Willimantic and throughout Connecticut.

  • The mission of the Fusion Dance Crew is to explore different techniques in dancing while teaching discipline, respect and professionalism.

  • The purpose of this organization will be to facilitate creative and technical ability in the field of Game Development through the process of game making. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Game Development Club will provide activities, events, and support to those interested in game development.

  • The Gamer's Guild nurtures the creativity and imagination of students through a game-playing environment. During regular and committee meetings we participate in game playing including but not limited to board games, strategy games, collectible card games (CCGs), role playing games (RPGs), and video games; the student community is welcome.

  • The mission of the Garden Club is to inform and educate students about the awareness and understanding of the relationships between food systems, food sustainability, climate change, social justice, and gardening. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Garden Club is to promote student involvement in sustainable food systems in the greater Windham area via workshops, seminars, field trips, and actively tending gardens.
  • As a student club of the Eastern community, Girls Who Code College Loops aims to inspire and support women in Computer Science with resources, activities and events for its members and Eastern community.
  • The Gymnastics Club provides athletic resources, activities and events for its members and the Eastern community to inform and educate students about the professional sport of gymnastics.

  • Eastern's chapter of Habitat for Humanity provides responsible and effective student participation in building homes for people in need, working cooperatively with students and the community.

  • The HER campus club informs and educates students about the different aspects of running a publication by empowering members to create content and events about their interests and passions whilst uplifting women. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Her Campus is to provide community building activities and events for its members and Eastern community.

  • The History club explores the richness and diversity of the historical experience; presents the challenges and benefits of historical inquiry to the student body; and promotes interaction between the University and the community by promoting historical awareness.

  • The Honors Club provides an environment to encourage supportive relationships among members of the Honors Program.

  • The Human Rights Club provides a forum for students to advocate for Human Rights across the campus so that the campus community is informed and supportive and peace and human rights issues.
  • The Men's Ice Hockey Club provides a competitive, fun and safe atmosphere for players to engage in the game of ice hockey, competing at a high level with other schools in a professional manner.
  • The I.M.A. (Institute of Management Accounting) Club educates members about the profession of management accounting, providing accounting information, activities and events for its members and Eastern community. The club assists members with career opportunities in accounting through networking, business etiquette sessions, and guest visitors and speakers.
  • The International Student Association raises awareness and knowledge of international cultures while supporting international students on campus. The club organizes cultural activities and events on campus for its members and the Eastern community.
  • This section will have information soon, but not right now.
  • Knit Wits encourages members to participate in knitting and crocheting for charity, and provides knitted goods to those in need. Members build a community interested in knitting and crocheting while forging positive relationships with each other.
  • The K-Pop club celebrates Korean popular culture and music by providing fun and educational events for members and the campus community.
  • The Men Achieving Leadership, Excellence and Success (M.A.L.E.S.) organization fosters inclusive professional and personal development opportunities, which enhance and aid the academic success, social development and civic engagement of young men on Eastern's campus. M.A.L.E.S. offers structured and informal opportunities for mentorship, brotherhood, service learning and professional growth through the support of alumni, advisors and current members.
  • The Math Club's goal is to inform and educate students about the different aspects of Mathematics. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Math Club is to provide fun, engaging, and informative activities and events for its members and Eastern community.
  • The Rugby Club plays competitive rugby matches against other clubs in New England, while teaching students how to be gentlemen on and off of the field. Club members also practice respect, community service and brotherhood on campus and in the community.
  • Modern Movement is pre-professional dance ensemble at ECSU that offers a variety of styles to suit any level of interest and passion for dance! Modern Movement members share an interest in dance and musical movement through a variety of fun and fulfilling events and activities.
  • To engage in and normalize conversation regarding the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Morgan's Message Club is to provide opportunities, activities, fundraising, and events revolving around mental health and athletics for its members and Eastern community.

  • The Music Society provides activities and events to further enhance the musical and educational experience of its members and the Eastern community.
  • The Muslim Students Association strives to build unity through educational programs and activities. The club provides a voice to Muslim students and helps them build relationships with each other, with mentors and with other students. The club provides a safe meeting place for students of all backgrounds, nationalities, sets and faiths to learn from each other.
  • The local NAACP college chapter informs students of problems affecting African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities; advances the economic, education, and social and political status of African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples; stimulates an appreciation of the African Diaspora and other people of color's contribution to civilization; and develops an intelligent, effective youth leadership.
  • The Natural Hair Club provides fun and educational activities for its members and the Eastern community to educate students about natural hair of all types and the culture behind it.
  • The Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) supports the expression of Hispanic American culture in the university community. It serves as a referral medium for academic services; sponsors minority recruitment for the university; facilitates social gatherings for members and the university community; and holds charitable functions for Eastern and the surrounding community.
  • The Outdoor Adventure Club informs and educates the Eastern community about outdoor activities, providing members and the campus with opportunities and events for students to experience the outdoors.

  • As a student club of the Eastern community, the Philosophy Club is to provide thought provoking activities and events for its members and Eastern community.

  • To inform and educate students of Eastern about the different aspects of political science as well as politics, public policy, and current events. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Political Science Club is to provide political activities and events for its members and Eastern community.


  • The Pre-Health Society provides informative, educational activities and events for its members and the Eastern community as they relate to careers in healthcare and the field of medicine.

  • Members of the Pre-Law Society gain knowledge about various aspects of the law and share them with the campus community through relevant events and activities.
  • The Pride Alliance's mission is o broaden the campus’ understanding and support of the LGBTPQQAIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Pansexual, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Intersex and their Allies) community. The club hosts speakers, public forums, visibility programs and other activities, while striving to keep the campus informed through political activism.
  • The Public Relations Student Society of America Club provides networking and experience building activities and events for its members and Eastern community to inform and educate students about the professional field of public relations.
  • The Psychology Club enriches students’ educational experience and informs them G72of current developments in the field of psychology.
  • The Rehabilitation and Wellness Club is a student-run organization made to help students with a potential interest in any career relating to rehabilitation and human wellness. Our goal is to further educate members on potential future career paths in the field through discussions, guest speakers, and hands-on activism. Overall, this club will educate its members on the Health Sciences field and the job opportunities that it entails.

  • The Repertory Dance Troupe provides Eastern students opportunities to explore their interest in dance. Members broaden their knowledge of different dance styles, find outlets for artistic expression, experience new discoveries in movement and make new friends. Activities include conducting and/or attending master classes, workshops and dance conferences, and performances such as the annual fall and spring dance showcases.
  • The Senior Class Committee oversees all senior class events and activities and conduct fundraisers to support those events.
  • The SNAT club represents the National Association of Teachers of
    Singing, educating members of the Eastern community interested in classical voice practices. The club enriches the campus culture through collaborative and educational trips, events, recitals, competitions, community outreach activities and academic opportunities.
  • The Social Work Club provides educational engagement, community service activities and events for members and the Eastern community in support of the Social Work profession.
  • Members of the Spirit Realm Club seek to inform and educate students about the various spiritual topics and beliefs that exist within the world, helping people learn more about the spiritual realm. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Spirit Realm Club is to provide spiritual activities and events for its members and the Eastern community.

  • The Student Government Association serves as the governing body for student organizations on campus, providing a voice for student issues and a communications channel between the student body and the administration. Members learn valuable communication and leadership abilities while practicing citizenship skills and serving a vital role on campus.
  • The Tennis Club provides students with opportunities to play tennis and racquetball and engage in physical exercise while educating the campus on the sports of tennis and racquetball.
  • The United Voices of Praise supports the spiritual life and development of Eastern students. Members rejoice and learn to carry out their spirituality not only during their time on campus but in their lives after Eastern.
  • The WECS Radio serves to create a motivated and welcoming training environment to advance the skills of student disc jockeys. The club publicizes 90.1 WECS-FM and its programs on campus and in the surrounding community through promotion, outreach and community service, and assists campus clubs and organizations to promote their programs.
  • The Women’s Rugby Club competes on the rugby field with other club teams, while teaching Eastern students how to be ladies on and off the rugby field. Club members practice respect, community service and sisterhood on campus and in the community.
  • The Women's Weightlifting & Wellness Club aims to inform and educate students about the different aspects of weight lifting of all different skill levels as well as other important areas of fitness. As a student club of the Eastern community, the Women’s Weight Lifting Club looks to provide a supportive atmosphere for women to workout and plan activities and events for its members and Eastern's community.
  • The Wrestling Club provides students with opportunities to wrestle and engage in physical exercise while educating the campus on the sport of wrestling.
  • Zine Design is dedicated to being a space for marginalized voices to share their stories, celebrate our communities, create movements and engage with one another. Through the creation of a physical zine in all forms and mediums, we will celebrate the intersection of passions found on campus. As a student-led organization, the Zine Design Club is to provide creative collaborative activities, and events for its members and the Eastern community.