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Funding for Teaching and Scholarship

Faculty member giving a poster presentation at a national conferenceThere are a variety of funding opportunities that can support faculty members' professional development, curriculum development, teaching, and research.

All of the following funding opportunities are competitive and require completing an application.

    • AAUP Travel Funding: Provides support to attend or present at conferences or workshops. Application information is available from the academic deans in the School of Education and Professional Studies or the School of Arts and Sciences. Open to both full-time and part-time faculty.
    • Faculty Development Grants: Provides funding to enrich faculty members' academic and professional skills and benefit individuals, departments, or special programs of the University. Funds may be used for guest speakers, mentoring programs, seminars, creative projects, travel, conference fees, workshops, and other things that help faculty to develop or enhance academic or co-curricular programs; pursue innovative creative or research projects; organize or participate in professional development opportunities; or participate in any other activity that will make participants more productive and innovative professionals. Applications are evaluated by the Instructional Faculty Development Committee. Open to both full-time and part-time faculty.
    • Faculty Retraining Funds: Provides funding to defray tuition, books, travel, and related expenses incurred by a member in pursuing a retraining program. Retraining of a member who wishes to learn a new discipline, either within or outside of the disciplines encompassed by the member’s department, may be funded in accordance with procedures established above. Applications are sent to the appropriate dean and provost.
    • Curriculum Development Grants: Provides support for curriculum-related activities performed by full-time members during the summer or intersession. Applications are solicited annually in early March by the academic deans. 
    • AAUP Minority Retention Funds: Provides funding to support retention of pre-tenure, full-time, minority faculty members. Funds can be used for travel, research, books, and credentials. For full-time faculty only.
    • University Hour: Provides funding for outside speakers or performers to present during “University Hour” (generally 3 p.m. on Wednesdays). Faculty are encouraged to collaborate with others on a proposal to ensure events will complement courses and be of interest to a broad group of students. The free lectures and cultural events are open to students, faculty, staff, and the community. Applications are evaluated by the University Hour Committee.
    • JEDI mini grants: Small grants (up to $500 per award) for projects by full-time or part-time faculty that directly support BIPOC students and an anti-racist campus climate. 
    • Research Reassigned Time: Funding to support up to 6 FLCs of release time per year to pursue a significant research or creative project which may result in publication. Applications are evaluated by the Research Reassigned Time Committee.
    • CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grants: Provides funding to cover scholarship activity which results in one or more of the following: the creation of new knowledge in a particular discipline, including making connections across traditional fields (i.e. multidisciplinary research); the application of disciplinary/multidisciplinary knowledge, methodologies and/or insights to problems of individuals or groups in the broader society; the production of creative works in the arts; and research in student learning within a discipline or area of learning. Proposals are evaluated by the CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grants Selection Committee. Open to full-time faculty.
    • Sabbatic Leave: Granted for purposes of scholarly and creative endeavors that strengthen the professional competence or enrich the teaching of members. Faculty are eligible to apply after 6 years of full-time teaching. Applications are evaluated by the Sabbatic Leave Committee
  • Eastern's Grants Office assists faculty and staff in developing external grant proposals and provides information involving all aspects of the funding process. All external grants must go through the Grants Office approval process.
  • The University Assessment Committee provides resources to help academic programs build strong learning outcomes, assessment plans, and assessment reports. These resources include webinars and workshops, planning documents, and templates. Links to resources, including the application for funding program assessment activities, can be found on the assessment page of Planning and Institutional Research.
  • Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity Mentor Award: This award is presented at the CREATE conference to a faculty member who has mentored and worked one-on-one with students  (outside of a class) on research or creative work, resulting in work that has resulted in presentation/publication or exhibition. Recipients are given a one-time award of funds to further their research (e.g., travel, equipment, professional organization membership). 

    Teaching and research awards: Faculty can be nominated for a variety of awards recognizing teaching and research, including BOR Teaching Awards (for full-time and part-time faculty), BOR Research Awards, and Distinguished Professor awards. These awards do not come with funding.


 Chart of deadlines for funding and awards

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