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Campus Resources to Support Teaching and Advising

The following offices, departments, and web pages can support faculty in teaching, advising, and curriculum development.

  • ELAC Resources: Includes resources and training videos to help understand the ELAC curriculum, how to design a course, and how to submit a seminar or disciplinary perspectives course.
  • ELAC Sharepoint Site: Provides course design resources, including Eastern's course planning tool and the ELAC syllabus template. Also provides resources for teaching each of the five learning outcomes (some developed by Eastern faculty learning communities), rubrics for assessing learning outcomes, and resources for faculty teaching LAC 101 (including sample lesson plans developed by Eastern faculty). Requires Eastern login.
  • Faculty Advising Resources: Provides links to advising documents and training videos on eWeb, DegreeWorks, and Bookings (for advising appointments).
  • J. Eugene Smith Library Faculty Resources: Provides a variety of services for faculty, including generic or customized training for your students on using library resources, the integration of library resources into Blackboard course shells, the option to enroll a librarian into your course to provide students with additional research guidance, course reserves, and information about Open Educational Resources (OER) you can use in your class.
  • Center for Community Engagement (CCE): Provides resources to build a culture of civic responsibility and engaged learning at Eastern. The CCE works with faculty to incorporate service-learning into their courses, helps students find volunteer opportunities, and engages with community partners to ensure that programs meet their needs and provide students with a meaningful experience.
  • Art Gallery: Provides a diverse schedule of exhibitions for students and the broader community, featuring the works of international, national, and regional artists, as well as Eastern students and faculty. Offers an on-going program of lectures, presentations, and interviews that explore not only the Arts, but also current events and world ranging interests and issues that extend across the range of academic majors and disciplines. The Art Gallery and its programs are free of charge.
  • Center for Instructional Technology: Supports the application and integration of technology across the curriculum. CIT provides essential support services for the use of technology in teaching, learning, and research. This includes one-on-one support to faculty and staff, instructional design services, online pedagogical resources, online tutorials, and home-use software.
  • Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research (CUHSR): Approves applications for research with human and animal subjects, including research done by students for class. Website includes online ethics trainings required for faculty, staff, and students who engage in research, as well as sample consent forms and other resources.
  • Institute for Sustainability: Supports faculty from all disciplines to identify opportunities for integrating UN Sustainable Development goals in courses. 
  • Writing Program: The program director provides periodic trainings for faculty on topics such as designing effective writing assignments, using informal writing in class to facilitate thinking, and responding to student writing.
  • Global Field Courses: Provides information on planning and teaching a global field course (a 1- to 5-week course taught to Eastern students in another country).
  • New York Times subscription: All faculty, staff, and students have access to a free online subscription to the New York Times (thanks to funding from the Student Government Association). Learn how to sign up and access other news resources to use with students.
  • Chronicle of Higher Education subscription: CSCU has a system-wide online subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education, a leading publication about topics and trends shaping the future of higher education in the United States. Using the Sign In button to register for a free account using your Eastern email address.
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