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Eastern Alert

Alert Message
Eastern is currently open.


Last Updated: March 18, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.

Eastern is currently open.

In addition to notifications of current weather cancellations, campus incidents or other emergency conditions, this web page also provides information on how to access “Eastern Alert,” the University’s emergency notification system. Resources ranging from on-campus departments to off-campus municipal services are also referenced.

In the event of inclement weather:

  • Individual faculty members will decide whether to cancel classes or hold them remotely, and will communicate their decision to students in advance of class. 
  • Students with clinical rotations, internships or other in-person, off-campus commitments should follow the requirements of their host agency 
  • Scheduled on-campus events will take place if guest speakers or performers are available; virtual events will continue as scheduled
  • The Student Center will be open at noon on days when the University is closed due to weather 
  • Consult individual web pages of other on-campus resources and services to determine if they are open or if services are only available online 

Parking: Faculty, staff and students must move their vehicles from all surface lots to the two parking garages during snowstorms. Failure to move vehicles from these areas may result in towing. 

Class Meetings During Inclement Weather 

In the event of a delayed opening of the University, any class that would have at least 45 minutes of meeting time remaining after the announced opening time will meet starting at the announced opening time. Any class meeting that would have fewer than 45 minutes of meeting time after the announced opening time will not meet. For example, if opening the campus is delayed until 10 a.m., classes running from 9:30-10:45 a.m. would meet from 10-10:45 a.m.

In the event of an early closing of the University, any class that would have at least 45 minutes of meeting time prior to the announced closing time will meet until the announced closing time.

Any class meeting that would have fewer than 45 minutes of meeting time before the announced closing time will not meet. For example, if we were to close the University early at 3 p.m., classes running from 2-3:15 p.m. would meet from 2-3 p.m.”

Employee Work Schedules During Inclement Weather

The following policy governs employee schedules at Eastern Connecticut State University during inclement weather. The policy goes into effect on February 3, 2022, and will remain in effect until rescinded.

For all campus closings, delayed openings, and early dismissals due to inclement weather or other unanticipated emergencies, the following will apply:

Anyone who is scheduled to work on campus who must stay home due to closing, delay their arrival on campus due to a late opening, or leave campus early due to an early dismissal shall be paid for the time off campus, and should use the LWWTR code in CORE-CT to report their time. These employees should not plan to work remotely under those circumstances.
  1. Anyone who is scheduled to telework when the campus is closed for a portion of the workday or an entire workday should work remotely as scheduled.
  2. Individual faculty members will continue to make the determination whether to hold their classes remotely during inclement weather or cancel them, and must communicate their decision to their students in advance of class.
  3. Essential (Level 1) workers should report to campus as scheduled.
  4. Please keep in mind that university assistants and student workers do not telework. When the campus is closed, they should not report to work. In cases where inclement weather prevents university assistants or student workers from working an assigned shift, they should consult their supervisor to determine if those hours can be made up.
  5. The University will continue to use the Eastern Alert notification system, the Eastern Alert webpage (, campus email, the news media, and social media to alert the campus community when inclement weather necessitates a change in Eastern’s operating schedule.

Manage your EASTERN ALERT preferences:

Note: Only Eastern students, faculty, and staff with an Eastern ID will be enrolled in Eastern Alert.

You can also call the telephone weather hotline at (860) 465-4444 or toll-free (800) 578-1449 for emergency and cancellation updates.

During storm conditions, this page will be updated twice daily: 6:30 AM for the day schedule and 2:00 PM for the evening schedule with additional updates as weather conditions warrant.

Campus Construction Notices

For information on scheduled closings please consult the online University Holiday Schedule and Academic Calendar.

Eastern also maintains Weather Hotlines for up-to-the-minute information on cancellations and delays:
General Weather Hotline: (860) 465-4444 or toll-free (800) 578-1449
Employee Weather Hotline: (860) 465-5025

View the University’s Weather Hotline Wallet Card

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