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Professional Development

Faculty and Staff:  Please click on the SharePoint site to view application information for the below programs:


Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatic leaves may be granted to tenured faculty members upon competition of 6 years of full-time service.  Sabbatic Leave is granted for the purpose of scholarly and creative endeavors that strengthen the professional competence or enrich the teaching of faculty members.


Research Reassigned Time

All full-time Eastern faculty are eligible to apply to pursue a significant research or creative project which may result in publication in refereed journals, monographs, books, chapters in books, refereed proceedings, publications in professional journals, refereed presentations, creative products, or collaborative research.


Faculty Retraining Funds

This fund is used for the purpose of  retraining faculty members and can be used to defray tuition, book, travel, and related expenses upon approval. Retraining of a member who wishes to learn a new discipline, either within or outside of the disciplines encompassed by the member’s department, may be funded in accordance with procedures that have been established.


CSU-AAUP Faculty Grants

 Full-time faculty members are eligible to apply. The CSU-AAUP contract specifies that funds will be used for “research grants”.  Research is defined as any scholarship activity which results in one or more of the following:

  1. the creation of new knowledge in a particular discipline, including making connections across traditional fields (i.e. multidisciplinary research);
  2. the application of disciplinary/multidisciplinary knowledge, methodologies and/or insights to problems of individuals or groups in the broader society;
  3. the production of creative works in the arts; and
  4. research in student learning within a discipline or area of learning


Faculty Development Awards

Full and part-time faculty members are eligible to apply. Funds will be used to enrich the faculty member’s academic and professional skills, and benefit the individual, departments or special programs of the University. 


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