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College of Business Program Internships

Eastern encourages students to obtain practical experience in their disciplines as part of Eastern’s focus on employability, fostering meaningful engagement with business professionals, and real-world business practice.

Internship students focus on experiential learning with an emphasis on relevant technologies and current business practices in a 3-credit internship program. Their faculty internship supervisors :

  • encourage students to reflect on their work experiences,
  • evaluate whether the students achieved their learning goals, and
  • work with students to explore long-term career goals in light of their work experiences.

College of Business

Internship Registration

Find an internship for your major and review Internship Registration Form with major-specific nternship Contact.

Fill out the form for your specific major (linked below). Fill in all fields highlighted in yellow, click "Click to Sign," and enter subsequent signers.

Participants approve form* Registrar registers you for major-specific internship course (XXX 490)

Complete the proper paperwork for co-op* registration to submit to the Office of Career Services (linked below)

You're all set!

* Note that webforms are automatically submitted with Adobe Sign and that co-op paperwork should be submitted to the Office of Career Services

  • Accounting internships are open to junior and senior accounting students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher at the time of registration.

    Internship Contact
    Mr. Kinson Perry
    (860) 465-4607

    Internship Registration Web Form

  • Internships for credit are open to senior business administration majors who have about 90 credits at the time of their internship and have maintained the minimum GPA of 2.7 or higher.

    To graduate as a Business Administration major, each student must complete an internship.

    Internship Contact
    Mr. Kinson Perry
    (860) 465-4607

    Internship Registration Web Form

  • Business Information Systems majors are required to complete a qualifying Internship/Co-op. 

    Please contact Dr. Citurs to discuss any BIS internship or co-op.

    Internship Contact
    Dr. Alex Citurs
    (860) 465-0077

    Internship Registration Web Form

  • Economics majors are required to complete an internship or co-op for 3 credits. 

    Please contact the Internship Contact to begin the process.

    Internship Contact
    Robin Marrotte
    (860) 465-5147

    Internship Registration Web Form

  • Finance majors are required to complete 3 or 6 credit internship.

    Please contact the Internship Contact to begin the process.

    Internship Contact
    Robin Marrotte
    (860) 465-5147

    Internship Registration Web Form

Eastern in Four

Internship Roadmap

First Year• Explore career options within your major
• Identify possible organizations of interest

Sophomore• Explore possible career paths within organization
• Attend career fairs
• Develop resume
• Network with organizations of interest

Junior• Discuss timing of internship with an academic advisor
• Meet with the internship coordinator
• Develop your job search and interviewing skills with the Office of Career Success

Senior• Meet with the internship coordinator to discuss internship opportunities and finalize course registration

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