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Photography Services

escu_photography_services.jpgWhether a photo of a faculty member, a student, or an event is needed, University Relations can help meet a department's photography needs.

Services include:

Coordination of photography
Eastern uses the services of a university assistant to photograph major College events such as building dedications and graduations and to create promotional images. These photos are used most frequently in major publications such as the President's Annual Report, Eastern magazine, and recruitment materials.

In addition, other University Relations staff members can assist on an "as available" basis for photography at a smaller event specific to an office or department. Film processing (if necessary) typically is the client's responsibility.

Headshot services
A photographer is available to take headshots of faculty and staff for use in printed publications or department web sites. All headshots are taken digitally. Call the University photographer to arrange a time for a headshot.

Tom Hurlbut
(860) 465-5702

Please note that we request giving at least a two-week advance notice.

Video/Photography Release Form

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