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Publications and Printed Materials Policy

The Office of University Relations provides editorial/design services and guidance to University academic and administrative departments for their design and publication projects. Through a collaborative process with client departments, the Office of University Relations ensures that quality publications are produced that reflect positively on the University.

The Office of University Relations supervises the University’s on-campus Copy Center and also works closely with outside printing vendors to maximize printing efficiencies. To ensure that University publications reflect the University’s standards and are produced economically and at the highest quality, the following procedures shall be followed in planning and executing publications, especially those intended for external audiences. (Student clubs and organizations are exempt from this policy, although guidance is available to them.)

  1. The Office of University Relations shall be contacted by all University departments before initiating design or publication projects, in consideration of maintaining quality standards and efficient use of resources. (Academic department newsletters to their faculty and current students are exempt from this procedure, although departments are expected to adhere to the University’s logo usage standards.)
  2. The Office of University Relations publishes and maintains the University’s graphic and writing standards, including use of the University logo, school colors, and other design considerations. University departments are required to adhere to these standards.
  3. In cases where the University Relations workload would potentially prevent timely completion of client projects, the Office of University Relations shall provide design solutions to allow departments to create content that adheres to the University’s writing and graphic standards while meeting their publication needs and deadlines.
  4. In cases where publication design and production is performed by non-UR staff and/or students, proofs shall be sent to the Office of University Relations for final review and approval.
  5. The Office of University Relations supervises the Copy Center, and will approve all publication projects sent to the Center (not including routine copy jobs), as well as those sent to Fiscal Affairs requesting purchase orders for outside printing.

April 23, 2010

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