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Department of Health Sciences Honor Society  - Phi Theta Delta 
Phi Theta Delta is Eastern Connecticut State University’s Honor Society for undergraduates in Health Sciences.  

As a Health Science Honor Society, we are dedicated toward improving health standards for those around us through knowledge, service and education.  

The Health Science Honor Society provides service, outreach, and professional development for the members, including networking opportunities and workshops to promote careers in the health-related fields.

Minimum Qualifications 
Potential members must meet the following criteria: 

  • Health Science Major
  • Junior or Senior status
  • Minimum of 16 credits completed for HSC major/concentration
  • 3 Overall GPA and 3.5 Major GPA

Application Process 
Students who meet the above criteria will be invited to apply in the beginning of each Spring semester. The application will include information about work experience, volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, community engagement and a short essay (250 words or less) about how you plan to impact the field of health. 

The selection committee will consist of at least 3 Health Science faculty members.  The committee will make its selections based on academic performance as well as work, volunteer, extracurricular and community-based experiences.  

Students who are selected will receive a certificate of their induction and will have the option to purchase ceremonial cords to be worn during graduation. 

Continued membership in this society will be contingent upon maintaining the minimum GPA requirements.  Members will also be expected to continue to provide service to the Department of Health Sciences, Eastern Connecticut State University and/or the surrounding community. 

 Honor society 2018