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Direct Parent PLUS Loans

The Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is a loan taken out in the parents’ name to borrow at a favorable interest rate in order to help finance their child’s college education.

This loan is only available for students who are listed as a Dependent after filling out the FAFSA. If the parent is denied the PLUS loan, the student becomes eligible for an additional $4,000 in Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan money as a freshman or sophomore, or $5,000 in Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan money for a junior or senior. Visit to apply for the PLUS loan.

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How to apply for the Parent PLUS Loan

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  1. Go to the Department of Education website:
  2. Sign in with the parent's FSA ID (NOT the student's!). For help with the FSA ID, or if you are having trouble logging in, go to
  3. Once signed in, the parent will request a Direct PLUS Loan and choose Parent PLUS.
  4. If credit approved, first-time borrowers will need to electronically complete a Master Promissory Note on the same website ( Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the MPN and Entrance Counseling for all Federal Direct Loans, including PLUS.
  5. If credit is denied, Eastern will be notified, and the student may be eligible to receive additional Unsubsidized Loan money.
  6. All Parent PLUS information will be electronically transmitted to Eastern if Eastern Connecticut State University is listed as the school to notify.

NOTE: We recommend parents apply for the PLUS loan within 3 months of their student starting classes at Eastern due to the credit check. If you choose to apply for a PLUS loan far in advance of your student starting classes, you may be subject to an additional credit check.

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