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Summer Transition at Eastern Program/ Contract Admissions Program (STEP/CAP)

Eastern Connecticut State University provides waivers for eligible students in the Summer Transition at Eastern Program/ Contract Admissions Program (STEP/CAP) with regard to tuition, food and housing. The program waives certain fees based on the State of Connecticut's median family income for the year as listed by the U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis.

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  • If a family's adjusted gross income is less than 150% of the state's median family income, the student only pays the current deposit for Eastern.
  • If a family's adjusted gross income is between 150% of the state's median income and $150,000, the student pays the deposit and the housing charge for the summer program.
  • Finally, if a family's adjusted gross income is above $150,000, the student is required to pay the deposit, the housing charge and the room charge.
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