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Digital Art & Media Design Concentration (52-53 credits)

Eastern’s Digital Art and Media Design concentration seamlessly integrates art-making fundamentals with design and digital media, fostering an understanding of their cultural relevance. Students learn the importance of creative and critical thinking throughout the design process, navigating its challenges, joys, and goals.

This flexible and dynamic program offers courses in Visual Communication Design, covering print and screen design, illustration, packaging, animation, fashion design, and client collaboration. Targeted coursework enables students to build robust portfolios, culminating in a Capstone project showcasing creativity, critical thinking, and technical skills during their senior year.

Graduates of the Digital Art and Media Design program embark on diverse design careers across industries, often pursuing further education through graduate degrees.

Software and Hardware RecommendationsOur program primarily relies on Apple hardware and Adobe Creative Suite software due to their industry dominance. However, we maintain flexibility, welcoming students to utilize alternative platforms for their design projects. Specific course requirements are determined at the discretion of the professor, ensuring adaptability to individual needs and preferences.

Required Foundation Courses (20 credits)

  • ART 110 Two-Dimensional Design - 3 credits
  • ART 111 Three-Dimensional Design - 3 credits
  • ART 122 Digital Illustration & Page Layout - 3 credits
  • ART 124 Digital Imaging - 3 credits
  • ART 211 Introduction to Art History: Prehistory to 1400 - 4 Credits
  • ART 212 Introduction to Art History: 1400 to the Present - 4 Credits

Required Writing Courses (8 credits)

As part of Eastern’s Writing Across the Curriculum program, Art majors complete their University Writing Requirements with advanced Art History classes. Students can enroll in Stage 2 Writing Classes once they have taken either ENG 100 or ENG 100P and both ART 211 and ART 212. Four- year students should aim to take their Stage 2 class in their Sophomore year and the Stage 3 class in their Junior year.

  • Stage 2 Writing (choose one):
    • ART 233 Graphic Design History - 4 credits
    • ART 345 Museums and Exhibitions - 4 credits
  • Stage 3 Writing (choose one):
    • ART 401 Art History Topics - 4 credits
    • ART 402 Issues in Contemporary Art - 4 credits

Portfolio Requirement

After completing ART 122, ART 124, and either ART 110 or ART 202, students are required to submit a portfolio demonstrating artistic capability for admission to upper-level courses. Portfolios must be carefully prepared according to guidelines available for download on the department website. After portfolios are submitted and program admission approved, students are eligible to enroll in upper-level art courses. Portfolio Requirements

Required Design Courses (6 credits)

  • ART 203 Graphic Design I - 3 credits
  • ART 329 Graphic Design II - 3 credits

Concentration Electives (choose 5, 15-16 credits)

Students can pursue one or more specializations or can take electives without a specialization. See below for full list of Concentration Electives. Choose 5:

Optional Specializations:

  • Animation:
    • ART 323 Introduction to 3D Modeling - 3 credits
    • ART 325 2D Animation- 3 credits
    • ART 343 Introduction to 3D Animation - 3 credits
    • ART 403 Advanced 3D Animation - 3 credits
  • Digital Art:
    • ART 202 Drawing I - 3 credits
    • ART 332 Photo Imaging: Art and the Digital Camera - 3 credits
    • ART 337 Virtual & Augmented Reality Design- 3 credits
    • ART 342 Digital Illustration - 3 credits
  • Graphic Design:
    • ART 330 Packaging Design - 3 credits
    • ART 327 Magazine Design - 3 credits
    • ART 335 Graphic Design III - 3 credits
    • ART 432 Eastern Design Group (as elective) - 3 credits
  • Interactive Media Design:
    • ART 213 Information Graphics - 3 credits
    • ART 310 Web Design I
    • ART 326 User Interface & Interaction Design - 3 credits
    • ART 351 Motion Graphic Design - 3 credits

Concentration Electives (full list):

  • ART 202 Drawing I - 3 credits
  • ART 213 Information Graphics - 3 credits
  • ART 310 Web Design I - 3 credits
  • ART 323 Introduction to 3D Modeling - 3 credits
  • ART 325 2D Animation - 3 credits
  • ART 326 User Interface & Interaction Design - 3 credits
  • ART 327 Magazine Design - 3 credits
  • ART 330 Packaging Design - 3 credits
  • ART 332 Photo Imaging: Art and the Digital Camera - 3 credits
  • ART 335 Graphic Design III - 3 credits
  • ART 337 Virtual & Augmented Reality Design- 3 credits
  • ART 342 Digital Illustration - 3 credits
  • ART 343 Introduction to 3D Animation - 3 credits
  • ART 351 Motion Graphic Design - 3 credits
  • ART 365 Special Topics in Art (when topically appropriate) - 3 credits
  • ART 403 Advanced 3D Animation - 3 credits
  • ART 412 Web Design II - 3 credits
  • ART 421 Digital Portfolio Preparation - 3 credits
  • ART 432 Eastern Design Group (as elective) - 3 credits
  • ART 470 Advanced Topics in Art (when topically appropriate) - 3 credits
  • ART 480 Independent Study - 3 credits
  • ART 490 Internship - 3 credits

Students can choose up to 2 of the following:

  • CSC 202 Introduction to Programming and Machine Intelligence - 3 credits
  • CSC 311 Computer & Video Games Development - 3 credits
  • ENG 206 Digital Composition - 4 credits
  • MUS 372 Multimedia Composition - 3 credits
  • THE 345 Programming for Interactive Design - 3 credits

Major Capstone Course (3 credits)

  • Choose one:
    • ART 432 Eastern Design Group - 3 credits
    • ART 436 Senior Project in Digital Art & Media Design - 3 credits
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