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Published on December 12, 2019

La Mesa de Español (Spanish Table)

Spanish Table flyer

During the Fall 2019 students of Spanish gathered every Thursday afternoon to join in casual conversation.   This small group of students usually consisted of upper-level Spanish students and Spanish majors, and occasionally people from the community joined in as well. 

The group practiced their Spanish on a range of topics from classes and careers to study abroad experiences and summer activities.  Students also discussed current news topics such as immigration and DACA policies.  Conversations were sometimes guided by a professor’s comments or questions, but often were directed by students’ own interests and opinions.  Students enjoyed the experience because they could freely practice their Spanish, and it was a relaxed and jovial environment, free from the stress of being graded or assessed. 

Thanks to support from the Office of Equity and Diversity, students also enjoyed weekly snacks like chips, guacamole salsa and juice.  To mark the last La Mesa de Español of the semester, students brought in some of their favorite treats to share:  flan, arroz con habichuelas, brownies and pastries.   

La Mesa de Español is a regular event in the World Languages and Culture Department.  It will return for Spring 2020.  Check back in January for dates and times. 

Photos from La Mesa de Español

Written by World Languages and Cultures Department

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