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Criminology Major Learning Outcomes

Criminology explores the social construction of crime, the causes of criminal behavior and the societal responses to crime. The Criminology program provides students with the methodological tools to understand the fundamental theories of the causes of crime, to develop new theories and models, and to study the impact of a variety of programs. We go further, though, and explore the influence of social inequality and diversity on our conceptualization of crime-related issues domestically and internationally. This is consistent with the University's emphasis on diversity.

  1. To understand the major criminological theoretical perspectives, and to hone the ability to link theoretical ideas to inquiry and analysis.
  2. To demonstrate an understanding of how ideological, social, political and fiscal forces shape crime policy.
  3. To understand and appreciate the role of social inequality and cultural diversity in the study of criminology.
  4. To approach the study of crime and criminals from a social scientific perspective.
  5. To receive hands-on experiential learning in the field of criminology so as to develop career skills.
  6. To develop abilities to communicate in writing; accomplished through two required writing-intensive courses.
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