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Alpha Kappa Delta (Theta Chapter) Sociology Honor Society

Alpha Kappa Delta is the Sociology Honor Society founded in 1920 by Emory Bogardus. The original purpose of the organization was to “stimulate scholarship and promote the scientific study of society.” Today, there are AKD chapters throughout the world. Getting involved in Eastern’s Chapter of AKD is not only a significant academic accomplishment, but should also be seen as an opportunity to grow intellectually and partner with other students and academics in service.

The United Chapters of Alpha Kappa Delta is where you will find information about the honor society, how to get involved in the organization beyond campus, ordering information for honor society materials, and other frequently asked questions.

AKD Requirements

  • Must be an officially declared sociology major or demonstrate a serious interest in sociology within an official program of the host institution.
  • Must be at least a junior (third year) by standards of the host institution.
  • Must have accumulated the equivalent of an overall GPA of 3.3 (by a four point scale where: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) and rank in the top 35% of their class in general scholarship
  • Must have maintained the equivalent of a 3.3 GPA in sociology courses taken at the host institution prior to initiation.
  • Must have completed at least four regular courses in sociology prior to initiation (exclusive of extension or courses graded pass/fail).

All applications for membership are due by March 15.

Contact Information for AKD Advisors 

Dr. Nick Parsons
Webb Hall, Room 451
(860) 465-4497

Dr. Nicolas Simon
Webb Hall, Room 452
(860) 465-0489

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