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Credit/No Credit - Student Selected

Students have the option to include a total of up to four (4) courses (with the exception of those placed on Credit/No Credit during the Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 terms) to be taken on a credit/no credit basis, in addition to University-Designated*** credit/no credit courses. 

Only one (1) student-selected credit/no credit course may be taken in any semester.

Please Note:

  • *For Students under LAC (Admitted prior to Fall 2024): Courses in the student's Major, Minor, Concentration, Foreign Language and all Tier II and Tier III requirements will no longer fulfill those requirements if placed on CR/NC.
  • **For Students under ELAC (Admitted Fall 2024 or later): Courses in the student's Major, Minor, Concentration, and Foreign Language requirements will no longer fulfill those requirements if placed on CR/NC.
  • Per the Repeat Course Policy, a repeated course cannot be placed on credit/no credit. It can only be repeated for a letter grade.
  • If the work is above passing, the course is recorded on the permanent record as Credit (CR*). If the work is below passing, the course is recorded on the permanent record as No Credit (NC*).
  • The grade for a course placed on credit/no credit does not affect the grade point average (GPA).
  • Please note the Credit/No Credit deadlines (View deadlines). Requests can be submitted anytime during the semester leading up to the deadline.

How to Request a Course be placed on Credit/No Credit

You can request a course be placed on CR/NC by completing the form in eWeb:

  1. Select "Student Services" Tab
  2. "Registration"
  3. At the top of the page: "CLICK HERE to request a course be placed on Credit/No Credit"


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*Students who matriculated into Eastern prior to Fall 2024 are allowed to place up to 2 Tier 1 LAC courses on Credit/No Credit. A student shall earn (must receive) a final grade of "Credit (CR)" for the course to fulfill the designated requirement.

**Students who matriculated into Eastern starting Fall 2024 are allowed to place any ELAC course on Credit/No Credit. A student shall earn (must receive) a final grade of "Credit (CR)" for the course to fulfill the designated requirement.


***University Designated CR/NC: A limited number of credit/no credit courses are offered at the option of the department and with the approval of the appropriate academic dean. If the student's work is above passing, the credit is recorded on the permanent record as Credit (CR) and credit is given with no grade point assigned. If the student's work is below passing, the course is recorded as a No Credit (NC).


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If you are unable to access eWeb, you may complete the Credit No-Credit Form. Please bring the completed form to the Registrar's Office in Wood Support Services. 
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