Requesting Transcripts Using Parchment
Eastern Connecticut State University offers the ability to obtain official transcripts in an electronic (eTranscript) or paper format. Electronic and Paper transcripts can be sent to yourself, educational institutions, potential employers, or any other specified institution or individual.
Requesting eTranscripts is the quickest and most efficient way to obtain your academic record and to show that you have earned a degree (if officially earned). All official transcript requests must be made online through Parchment.
*NOTE: please be sure to verify you are requesting transcripts from Eastern Connecticut State University - Registrar. You will not be able to request transcripts from Admissions.
Current Students
Current students are able to go through eWeb to get a transcript.
- Navigate to: Student Services Tab > Student Records > Request Official Transcript.
- Both eTranscript and paper transcripts as well as Official and Unofficial transcripts can be requested using this process.
Former Students
If you are no longer a current student (don't have access to eWeb), please click the image below to get started:
Click (or Ctrl+Click) above image to begin
*Please use a personal email when creating your account. If you already have a Parchment account, you can login normally with your credentials.*
Most requests will be processed within 24 hours. There are no charges for transcript requests. If a request is being mailed to an International Destination or Rush Delivered, there may be a charge.