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Repeating Courses

A student will not be able to register for a course they have already taken without first submitting a repeat request. The student should familiarize themselves with the below rules/policy before requesting to repeat a course.


**Important Note: Once a student has been awarded a degree, they are NOT able to repeat any courses that were used in the completion of their awarded degree.

    • An undergraduate course, in which a student earned a grade of C or higher, cannot be repeated for a letter grade; it can only be audited.
    • If the student earned a C-, D+, D, F, CR*, or NC* in a course, the student can repeat the course for a letter grade, but it cannot be placed on Credit/No Credit.
    • Courses taken during Spring 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, students may place repeated courses on credit/no credit.
    • If you wish to repeat any of the following courses: BIO 120; BIO 130/240; BIO 220/140; BIO 230CHE 210 or CHE 211, you must first send your request the Department Chairperson of the respective course for approval.

    The following rules apply to each of the first three (3) different courses repeated for the first time:

    1. If the first grade was a C-, D, D+, or F, then the higher of the two grades earned in the repeated course will be calculated in the grade point average, and credits will be earned only once.
    2. If the course was placed on Credit/No Credit (CR* or NC*) when taken the first time, then the letter grade earned from the repeat will be calculated in the grade point average, and credits will be earned only once.
      • All grades earned in subsequent course repeats, whether they pertain to courses repeated once already or courses repeated for the first time, will be calculated in the grade point average. However, no course may be counted more than once toward the credits needed for a degree.
      • The transcript will show all grades earned, both those calculated in the grade point average and those not calculated.

    Students may request to repeat a course using their Eastern email and sending the following information to

    • Name, ID Number
    • Repeat Course: CRN, Subject, Subject Number, Section, Title
    • Term Repeating Course

    Recommended Text for Request:

    Jennifer Smith, 10123456

    Repeat Course: 10245 ART 100 01 Intro to Art

    Spring 2025

    Thank you.

    *The Registrar’s Office will process your request and respond via Eastern email once processed.

    NOTE: if you have a hold on your account, your repeat request can be processed, but you will not be able to register for the course until the hold has been lifted.

    If, for some reason, you are unable to access your Eastern email account, you may fill out a Repeat Form, print it, hand-sign it and then email it to

  • In general, graduate students may not repeat courses for credit. The following exceptions apply:

    Student may repeat graduate level courses for credit and replace the earlier grade under the following conditions:

    • A student who has gone beyond the 6-year degree completion limit may repeat a course so that it is within the time limit.
    • A student who originally received a B-, C+, C, C-, D+ may repeat the course so long as the student:
    1. Has not previously repeated a course for credit
    2. Has an overall GPA of 3.0 or above
    3. Has not received any Fs

    This exception is allowed only once during the Masters program.

    A student in the MS program with Teacher Certification who receives a C- or below must repeat the course to remain in good standing with the Certification Program. According to CARE policies, the student cannot continue with their program of study until the course has been repeated and the grade is above a C.

    The Dean of the Graduate Division, in consultation with the student’s advisor, may allow additional exceptions in extenuating circumstances, but in that case, both grades will be counted in the student’s GPA.

    Each student’s transcript will show all grades earned, regardless of whether they are counted in the GPA.

    If any of the above circumstances apply, students may request to repeat a course using their Eastern email and sending the following information to

    • Name, ID Number
    • Repeat Course: Subject, Subject Number, Title
    • Term Repeating Course

    Recommended Text for Request:

    Jennifer Smith, 10234349

    Repeat Course: 10245 ART 100 01 Intro to Art

    Fall 2024

    Thank you.

    The Registrar’s Office will process your request and respond via Eastern email once processed. Please note, if you have a hold on your account your registration will be unable to be processed.

    If for some reason you are unable to access your Eastern email account, you may fill out a Graduate Repeat Form, print it, sign it and then email it to

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