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Resources about Graduate Programs

The APA's Graduate Study in Psychology book is available for use in the Psychology department for all students interested. The book includes locations for all graduate programs in psychology by area of study, admission rates, and requirements.

APA has information about graduate schools here.

The Social Psychology Network website hosts a page that ranks graduate schools; by content area, by geographical location, etc.

Psi Chi has published several articles on applying to graduate school which can be accessed below:

"Avoid Pitfalls in Planning for Graduate School"

"Graduate School Preparation Tips"

"Applying for Graduate Programs in Psychology: Recommendations for the Next Generation of Psychologists"

Some General Suggestions to Improve Your Chances of Acceptance in Graduate School

  1. Do your homework on what programs you might be interested in.
  2. Prepare for the GRE. Remember: applications for most programs are due in the fall for entrance the following fall. (Both steps one and two should be planned out as early as possible.)
  3. Join APA and/or APS as a student member.
  4. Talk to your professors about being a Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant.
  5. Get practical experience either by doing an internship or present your research from Methods II at a conference.
  6. You will also receive information and suggestions about getting letters of recommendation and many other useful advice about graduate school in our PSY 101 and PSY 460 courses.

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