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Social Events
Each semester, Psi Chi officers plan social events for both Psi Chi members and Psychology faculty. In the past, these events have included bowling, laser tag, and social gatherings. If you are a Psi Chi member and have ideas for what types of events you'd like to see planned, please contact one of the officers.
Graduate School Panels/ Information Sessions
Psi Chi has hosted historically offered graduate school sessions. These have been offered in a variety of formats. Some sessions have been panel discussions with several psychology faculty. Faculty share advice and tips for applying to graduate school along with hosting a question and answer period with attendees. Other sessions have been information sessions where attendees hear about the graduate school statistics, strategies for choosing and applying to programs, and advice on what graduate schools are looking for in candidates. Look for announcements on when these events occur.
New Member Induction Ceremony
Students who earned membership either in the fall or spring semester will be officially inducted into Psi Chi at an Induction Ceremony. This ceremony is always held during the Spring semester during the Department of Psychological Science Honors Night and is typically scheduled near the end of the semester (April or May). Watch your email for more information from the officers.
Graduation Cords
Any Psi Chi member who is participating in the Eastern commencement ceremony is able to purchase Psi Chi cords to wear with at graduation. These cords signify your academic accomplishments as being a member of Psi Chi. The officers will email all members with the information about purchasing cords in the spring semester. Orders are typically made in April and you pay for the cords when they arrive. Students must pick up their cords prior to graduation.
Need money to defer the costs of graduate school or attending a conference?
The Eastern chapter of Psi Chi has created the Rich Bronson Scholarship Fund to help members defer the costs of the GRE, graduate school applications or membership to Psi Chi.
Visit Richard Bronson Memorial Scholarship link for more information and a link to the application.
Nominations for the Distinguished Faculty Award are collected by Psi Chi officers near the end of each spring semester (typically early April). After nominations have been collected, a final list will be presented to all Psi Chi members for voting.
Past winners include: Dr. Jenna Scisco (2024), Dr. Jennifer Leszczynski (2023), Dr. Christopher Krebs (2022), Dr. Jenna Scisco (2021), Dr. Melanie Keyes (2019), Dr. Joseph Dracobly (2018), Dr. Jenna Scisco (2016), Dr. James Diller (2012), Dr. Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault (2011), Dr. James Diller (2010), Dr. Jeffrey Danforth (2009), Dr. Madeleine Fugere (2008), Dr. Carlos Escoto (2007), Dr. Wendi Everton (2006), Dr. Peter Bachiochi (2005), and Dr. Jeffrey Danforth (2004).
The current and past issues of the Psi Chi Digest can be accessed here
If you are a Psi Chi member and are not receiving Psi Chi emails, please contact Dr. Scisco.
Keep us informed on your activities, questions, and comments. We need and value your input.