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LSAMP Program Requirements and Expectations

Eastern Nutmeg State LSAMP STEM Scholars must fulfill all program requirements outlined below to be considered in good standing and an active participant in the program. The requirements and expectations are listed below.

First-Year Program Requirements and Expectations

  1. Full-time undergraduate student (enrolled in at least 12 hours/semester) at Eastern Connecticut State University.

  2. Pursue an undergraduate STEM degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Environmental Earth Science, Mathematics, Secondary Education-Mathematics or Secondary Education-Science (Biology or Environmental Earth Science) and be in good academic standing, meeting the academic performance requirements of your designated STEM major.

  3. Attend the two-week residential Summer Bridge Program at Eastern Connecticut State University. Must complete the Summer Bridge Program which includes attending all classes and events, obtaining approval for absences from the Eastern LSAMP Institutional Coordinator, and following the curfew (10pm in the dorm and 11pm in-room) to receive the $1,000 stipend.

  4. Expect to be enrolled in LAC 100 and 101 during the fall semester and in LAC 200 during the spring semester.

  5. Attend first-year seminars each semester.

  6. Attend tutoring (one-on-one and/or group) provided by the LSAMP peer mentors, the Mathematics Achievement Center, the Academic Success Center, the Writing Center, and other University resources as needed.

  7. Attend scheduled meetings with Faculty Research Mentors.

  8. Attend scheduled meetings with the Eastern LSAMP Institutional Coordinator and maintain open communication.

  9. Complete and turn in any additional paperwork as needed as the semester progresses.

  10. Remain in good academic standing.

Second-Year Program Requirements and Expectations

  1. Full-time undergraduate student (enrolled in at least 12 hours/semester) at Eastern Connecticut State University.

  2. Pursue an undergraduate STEM degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Environmental Earth Science, Mathematics, Secondary Education-Mathematics or Secondary Education-Science (Biology or Environmental Earth Science) and be in good academic standing, meeting the academic performance requirements of your designated STEM major.

  3. Completed the First-Year Eastern Nutmeg State LSAMP requirements and expectations.

  4. Attend the two-week residential Summer Research Institute Program at Eastern Connecticut State University. Must complete the Summer Research Institute Program which includes attending all research workshops and events, obtaining approval for absences the Eastern LSAMP Institutional Coordinator, and following the curfew (10pm in the dorm and 11pm in-room) to receive the $1,000 stipend.

  5. Attend tutoring (one-on-one and/or group) provided by the LSAMP peer mentors, the Mathematics Achievement Center, the Academic Success Center, the Writing Center, and other University resources as needed.

  6. Attend scheduled meetings with Faculty Research Mentors.

  7. Attend scheduled meetings with the Eastern LSAMP Institutional Coordinator and maintain open communication.

  8. Complete and turn in any additional paperwork as needed as the semester progresses.
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