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Study Abroad & National Student Exchange

  • You should meet with your faculty advisor to review your Eastern in 4 Plan. This is important so you have an understanding of when the best term for you to study abroad/participate in NSE is. 

    Your faculty advisor can review this 'Sway' presentation to guide your conversation surrounding Study Abroad/NSE. 

  • Yes, financial aid can potentially be applied as long as the student is studying with a partner university or through an approved third-party provider. Please know that financial aid is not available for students planning to study away during Winter terms. More information on Study Abroad Scholarships is available at this page.

  • Students are required to have at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) and at least a 2.5 semester GPA in the term immediately prior to a Study Abroad or National Student Exchange experience.

    First-Year, Transfer, and Re-Admit students must complete one academic semester with a 2.5 GPA in the full term (Fall/Spring) immediately preceding a full-semester study away experience. 

  • Students must be in good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher) at the start of the semester in which they would be enrolled in a Global Field Course.
    • Personal expenses
    • Airfare
    • Books and supplies
    • Local transportation
    • Visa fees
  • As long as the student is studying with a partner university or through an approved third-party provider, credits will transfer back to Eastern if the grade earned is a C- or higher. During the paperwork process, students complete forms to request that credits at the host university will transfer. The credits are approved or denied per the department chair. Students are notified before leaving as to what credits will transfer back to Eastern and how.

    Eastern does not accept pass/fail grades for transfer unless pass/fail is the only grading option available for the course. If the student chooses to take the course pass/fail, it will not be eligible for transfer. 

    Students participating in a Global Field Course will automatically receive Eastern credit for their course.

  • Students participating in a Global Field Course are guaranteed to be with other Eastern students. As for National Student Exchange or Study Abroad programs, Eastern students who study away at the same location, during the same term, through the same program will be together.

  • This varies based on the study away program.

  • Parents can join meetings with our staff via Microsoft Teams. The student must also be present.

  • Please schedule a meeting with our Study Abroad staff. Once we have an understanding of where you might want to study away, we can try to connect you with a student who has previously studied away.

  • For individual study abroad trips (studying through a partner university or third-party provider), students are required to attend a mandatory orientation that the Office of Global Learning hosts. This orientation equips students with information necessary for a safe trip. Topics covered include documentation, packing, safety, money, cell phones, culture shock, emergencies, and STEP. 

    Here are some additional resources that can be useful to look over before your trip abroad:

    Preparing for a Study Abroad Trip

    Traveler Demographics to Consider

    Center for Disease Control and Prevention

    General Information on Heath Abroad

    Overseas Security Advisory Council

    How to Prepare for a Crisis Abroad

    To Report Lost/Stolen Passports

    FAQ's About Lost/Stolen Passports



  • Pieces of advice from students who have previously studied abroad...


    1. Research your host country before you go! This includes weather (for all seasons you'll be there), tipping customs, social expectations, political and religious beliefs, attitudes towards Americans, transportation most used, etc.. The more you research, the more you'll be prepared.
    2. After doing research, purchase items you may need. If you're going to be in crowds and in tourist areas, you may want to purchase slash-proof bags or locks for zippers to keep your belongings safe. If you're going to be in living in a location where walking is favored, purchasing comfortable walking shoes is a must. If you're going to be living somewhere with consistent rain showers, have a raincoat and umbrella ready. 
    3. Contact your banks before you leave. Let them know where you'll be abroad and for how long. This is important so they don't shut down your cards for "suspicious activity" while abroad.
    4. Contact your cell phone provider. Inquire about SIM cards and international phone plans. 
    5. Create a list of activities/sights/places you want to visit while abroad. Try to plan ahead of time when you may complete the items on your list. Time goes by quickly while you're there!
    6. Purchase AirTags for your luggage. This is important in case your luggage is lost in transport. Though it may take a few days to get your luggage, at least you'll know the location of it and can contact the correct airport. 


    Time Abroad:

    1. The best way to acclimate to your host country is to get involved. Meet new people, participate in group activities, and be willing to get out of your comfort zone.
    2. Balance your time between being a "tourist" and being a "local." Remember: you can be a tourist anywhere at any point in your life, but to immerse yourself into another culture for an extended period of time is an opportunity that you shouldn't take for granted! This isn't to say that you shouldn't explore and see famous landmarks and attractions, but don't forget that you may not have the chance to live a daily life in another country again, so be sure to be a local, too.
    3. As you see or hear about activities/restaurants/places that you want to experience, write them down so they can be added to your list. As soon as you have the opportunity to check it off your list, do it! Saying "I'll do that later" is easy,  but your time abroad will fly. Once you realize how quickly your time abroad is coming to an end, you may not have the ability to experience everything you initially wanted to. Prioritize your list!
    4. If you love a restaurant, be open to going to it often. Being a regular at local shops, bakeries, and restaurants abroad can be a lot of fun!
    5. If your budget allows, purchasing gifts for family and friends can be a fun task! Shopping for birthdays, holidays, or "just-because" presents gets you out and about with a purpose.
    6. Journal as much as you can. Keeping a log of what you do will be great for when you want to look back on your daily experiences. Taking plenty of pictures and videos is a must, too!
    7. Stay healthy! Drink plenty of water, eat properly, and have a regular sleep schedule to avoid becoming fatigued. Though being abroad is very exciting, it can be overwhelming at times. Taking time and space to recharge is important so you can continue your adventures at your fullest.


    Returning Home:

    1. Pack anything you're worried about breaking or losing in transport into your carry on! If you have items such as pottery, it may be best to ship these home to reduce the risk of it breaking. Though shipping is expensive, it is better than no longer having the item as a forever keepsake.
    2. Try your best to adjust to the time zone as soon as you can. This means avoiding naps during the day!
    3. Reverse culture shock is something to be prepared for. Be patient with yourself as you readjust to your home country and give yourself the time to recharge from an adventure-packed time abroad. Learn more about reverse culture shock here.
  • Students may participate in up to two full semesters (Fall/Spring) of international study abroad and up to two full semesters of National Student Exchange. A maximum of 4 full semesters (Fall/Spring) can be spent via Study Away opportunities. Students should always consult with their academic advisors regarding residency requirements for majors and minors.

    Students must be actively enrolled at the university in the full semester (Fall/Spring) immediately prior to their study away experience and must earn at least a 2.5 GPA in that semester.

    If planning to complete two consecutive full semesters abroad, these must be completed as part of the same program/location.

    Summer or Winter approvals in addition to this limit will be considered on a case-by-case basis.