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English Major Exit Portfolio Requirement

For Spring and Summer 2025 Graduates Only

Dear English Majors,

The department approved replacing the current exit portfolio requirements for graduating seniors with a reflective essay and a brief survey. Here are the guidelines for the reflective essay.

As you complete your final semester here at Eastern, we’d like to ask you to take time to critically reflect on your experience as an English major. We ask that you write an essay (750~1250 words) in which you:

  • Reflect on how your understanding of literature, writing, rhetoric, and analysis has evolved.
  • Evaluate your own work by considering your strengths, challenges, and areas of growth, using specific examples when applicable from your work (essays, creative writing, other projects). When doing so, please consider and make reference to the learning outcomes for the English major:
  • Discuss the kinds of courses you wish you had taken (but maybe didn’t know about or have time for) or courses that you wish the department offered.
  • Lastly, write about subjects or approaches you would have liked more of. (Please focus on subjects and approaches rather than on individual professors.)

Your reflective essays will help shape our program in the years to come, and we thank you for your contribution to English at Eastern!

If you have any questions about this requirement, please contact your faculty advisor or the English department chair.


Stephen Ferruci, PhD
Professor and Chair
English Department
Webb Hall 230
(860) 465-0653

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