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Finance Major: Learning Outcomes Assessment

Goals Objectives/Learning Outcomes Assessments Courses used in the Curriculum
To achieve a broad understanding of financial concepts, models, tools and institutions. The student can effectively communicate and apply financial concepts and models to solve problems in a decision-making capacity using current technology.

Knowledge of financial institutions, intermediaries, and regulatory entities and their functions.
Frequent tests of both financial concepts and calculations. Excel spreadsheet projects. Individual and group projects, case studies, and reports graded by faculty using discussed rubrics. FIN 245 Business Finance

FIN 347 Financial Institutions and Markets

FIN 335 Financial Management
To develop an understanding of financial investments, instruments, and markets. The student can explain and apply key concepts in investment analysis and portfolio management. Frequent tests of both financial concepts and calculations. Excel spreadsheet projects. Individual and group projects, case studies, and reports graded by faculty using discussed rubrics. FIN 346 Investment Analysis

FIN 447 Wealth Management
Refine students’ oral and written communication skills in finance and investments, and to develop the ability to engage effectively in teamwork. Demonstrate the ability to effectively apply course concepts to current issues facing multinational corporations, orally and in writing, using primary and secondary research methods.

Demonstrate contributions to team projects and interpersonal skills.
Scored by faculty using discussed rubrics.

Individual presentations.
FIN 346 Investment Analysis Senior Project

FIN 437 International Financial Management
Acquire an understanding of ethics and social responsibility as they relate to finance Display an ability to identify ethical dilemmas and evaluate alternative courses of action leading to legal and ethical resolutions.

Show an appreciation for balancing goals and objectives of business with those of a global society.
Blackboard Discussion Assignment on ethical dilemma issues related to finance and investments. FIN 346 Investment Analysis
Technical proficiency in the ability to use techniques and technological skills and modern financial tools for practice and management of financial information Enhance information collection skills, analytical skills, communication, and presentation skills through the application of modern technology. Faculty grading of performance activity with discussed rubrics. Graded case assignments. FIN 346 Investment Analysis and

FIN 437 International Financial Management

FIN 445 Case Studies Financial Management
Engage extensively in required and optional experiential learning opportunities. Significant exposure to realworld data, technologies, guest speakers, case studies, field trips to financial institutions, Finance Club meetings and events, and the required Internship in Finance will complement and reinforce the classroom experience throughout the required finance curriculum. Presentations on students’ internship experience are graded regularly and employer’s report on each student’s job performance.

Club membership and participation in Club events are encouraged and recognized. Projects and cases presentations using realworld data and technologies.
FIN 245 Business Finance and FIN 346 Investment Analysis

FIN 437 International Financial Management

FIN 490 Internship in Finance

FIN 445 Case Studies Financial Management
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