Major Maps and Figures from Central Asia publications concerning crustal tectonics and mountain building processes
Quaternary Faults of the Gobi Corridor. From: Cunningham, D., 2013, Mountain building processes in intracontinental oblique deformation belts: Lessons from the Gobi Corridor, Central Asia, Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 46, 255-282.
Gobi Corridor Fault Systems, from: Cunningham, D., 2013, Mountain building processes in intracontinental oblique deformation belts: Lessons from the Gobi Corridor, Central Asia, Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 46, 255-282.
Gobi Corridor historical seismicity, GPS data and SHmax orientations. From: Cunningham, D., 2013, Mountain building processes in intracontinental oblique deformation belts: Lessons from the Gobi Corridor, Central Asia, Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 46, 255-282.
Mongolian Terrane Map. From: Badarch, G. Cunningham, D., and Windley, B., 2002, A new terrane subdivision for Mongolia: Implications for the Phanerozoic crustal growth of Central Asia, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21, p.87-110
Tectonostratigraphic terrane boundaries, major sutures and former subduction polarity, Gobi Corridor, Central Asia. From: Cunningham, D., 2013, Mountain building processes in intracontinental oblique deformation belts: Lessons from the Gobi Corridor, Central Asia, Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 46, 255-282.
Digital Topography between Tibet and Siberia showing Quaternary Faults, Restraining Bends and Baikal-Hovsgul rift system. From: Cunningham, D., Structural and Topographic Characteristics of Restraining Bend Mountain Ranges of the Altai, Gobi Altai and easternmost Tien Shan, in Cunningham, W. D. and Mann, P.,(eds),Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends, Geological Society, London,Special Publications, 290, 219-237.
Gobi Altai Restraining Bends. From: Cunningham, D., Structural and Topographic Characteristics of Restraining Bend Mountain Ranges of the Altai, Gobi Altai and easternmost Tien Shan, in Cunningham, W. D. and Mann, P., (eds), Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 290, 219-237.
Altai restraining bends. From: Cunningham, D., Structural and Topographic Characteristics of Restraining Bend Mountain Ranges of the Altai, Gobi Altai and easternmost Tien Shan, in Cunningham, W. D. and Mann, P., (eds), Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 290, 219-237.
Summary Fault Maps for Restraining Bends of the Altai, Gobi Altai and Easternmost Tien Shan. From: Cunningham, D., Structural and Topographic Characteristics of Restraining Bend Mountain Ranges of the Altai, Gobi Altai and easternmost Tien Shan, in Cunningham, W. D. and Mann, P., (eds), Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 290, 219-237.