Mongolian cultural photos
Through the years, we befriended many Mongolians during our expeditions in the Altai, Gobi Altai and Hangay regions of Mongolia.
Gobi Family, 1994
Mother and child, south Gobi Altai, 1994
Altai family, 1994
Kazakh eagle hunter, high Altai (photo courtesy of James Howard), 2003
sing-along in Kazakh ger, Altai, 2002
young Mongolian family, southern Altai, 1994
Naadam chat, western Mongolia, 1999 (photo by James Howard)
off to the races
Dad the wrestler, Naadam, 2000, Khovd, western Mongolia
young visitor, Hangay region, 1998
on the way home, Hangay, 1998
Gobi kids, Nemegt region, S. Mongolia, 1994
3 generations, Gobi Region, 1994
at the well, southern Mongoilia, 1996
Altai family, Chandiman region, 1994
herdsmen, central Mongolia, 2010
young shepherd, central Mongolia, 2010
the next generation, central Mongolia, 2010
at the well, central Mongolia, 2010
Boys near Baga Bogd
Ger life, central Mongolia
Milking the goats, central Mongolia
Central Mongolia pastoral scene
Life on the steppe, central Mongolia
central Mongolia nomadic life