Faculty/Staff Referral Guide
Know some facts about CAPS
Sharing information about our services makes accessing help easier. Many students can be hesitant about seeing a counselor, so your positive and straightforward attitude can help de-stigmatize mental health services.
Share where we are located (Webb Hall, Room 423), we do not charge for services, and our services are confidential (with the exception of mandated reporting laws). Although you may refer a student, it is up to the student to seek out services from us, we will not contact students to initiate counseling services.
- We aim to see students for a full initial appointment within a week.
- We also have Urgent hours, Monday - Friday, between 1-3pm, for those students who are experiencing a crisis or urgent matter and may not be able to wait for a scheduled appointment.
- If you refer a student, please call ahead and let us know that student may be coming in to see us. We appreciate advance notice and any insights you might have to share with our staff.
- We cannot share information with anyone, including basic information about whether a student has made an appointment with us, is currently a client, or any other information without that student's written consent (with the exception of mandated reporting laws).
Learning about the services on campus can give you an edge when you interact with students. If you should have additional questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to us at CAPS.
If you would like to share a resource or support service on our webpage, please contact Monica O'Connor at oconnorm@easternct.edu.
CAPS welcome your interest in having us provide educational programs on such topics as stress management, depression, grief and loss, succeeding at Eastern, and communication skills. Our workshops are designed to support and enhance the academic, professional and personal goals of students, staff and faculty. In addition, when unexpected crises occur (such as a death of a student or other major tragedy), you may want to consider inviting us into your residence hall, classroom, or department to provide community support. We can assist you in discussing any particular situation and its impact on your students.
If you are interested in CAPS providing a workshop or training, or have a special need, please submit a Request Form.
Requests must be received at least two (2) weeks in advance of the requested presentation date. We will make every effort to fulfill your request, but there may be instances when we are unable to present because of lack of staff availability at the particular time requested (i.e., midterm and final exam period).
What Happens After the Outreach Request Is Made?
Once your request is received, the Counseling Service will follow-up and determine whether the request can be fulfilled. You will then be connected to staff member (s) who will coordinate the outreach/training/presentation with you.