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Helpful Hints

    1. There is no one method that is best for everyone. However, there is one thing you can do that improves your odds and that is to study on a regular basis throughout the semester. The data shown to the right makes it clear that students who do this are far more likely to do better on exams. Part of the reason is that you do not remember material as well when you are stressed and also tend to forget what you do know, which is what happens when you cram. This explains why you do badly on an exam and then remember the material later, the stress interferes with your recall.
    2. try as many different study habits as possible, and see which seem to work for you. Some specific things you might try, singly or in combination:
      • Be prepared to invest time: you should spend as much time studying as you do in class.
      • Work with two or three other students, not necessarily your best friends.
      • Read the textbook and other sources of information.
      • Quiz yourself and others students about the material.
      • Visit your instructor during office hours and ask for assistance.
      • Write everything out several times.
      • Read your notes out loud to yourself.
      • Keep your notes on one side of the page and make additional notes from the textbook on the other.
    3. Check out advice from other sources like the Advising Center
  • Beginning with the 2014-15 award year, the ECSU Foundation will make its resources, previously awarded as “Competitive Scholarships”, directly available to the Office of Financial Aid. Students are no longer required to fill in an application. Thank you.

    Biology Scholarships

  • Departmental
    If you do not have an advisor, or your advisor is not in the Biology Department, or if you wish to change advisors, contact Ross Koning.

    You should meet with your advisor on a regular basis, not just to register for classes. By keeping your advisor up-to-date on your plans and what is happening to you, s/he will be better able to provide you with ideas and choices.

    If you need assistance in almost any area of your life, personal, academic, financial etc. the university has offices that offer help.

  • The comprehensive exam is administered at the beginning of freshman year and the end of the sophomore year.

    Students can use the exam to assess how they are progressing in various areas of biology and how prepared they are for continuing education or a job upon graduation.

    Seniors take the ETS test in biology during their last semester as part of the BIO 466 Senior Seminar.

  • A few non-Eastern sites that contain genuinely useful information:

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