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Biology Program Learning Goals

  1. Obtain a solid foundation in the basics of Biology.
    1. Demonstrate a knowledge of the core material through oral and written assignments.
    2. Complete a comprehensive course curriculum that covers cell/molecular biology, organismal biology, and ecology/population biology.
    3. Provide evidence of increased understanding through Comprehensive Exams.
  2. Develop competence in the techniques used in field and laboratory work.
    1. Demonstrate the ability to use key scientific instruments and equipment via relevant hands-on lab and field experiences.
    2. Show competence in data management and analysis, including proper preparation of laboratory reports.
    3. Participate in independent inquiry through class projects and supervised research.
  3. Become engaged in a meaningful liberal arts experience.
    1. Students can explain how biology and its method of study are integrated into a multidisciplinary context.
    2. Students attend and present at professional conferences and workshops.
    3. Students act in an informed and ethical manner within the University and society at-large.
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