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Alternative Format Requests

Alternative Format Requests are submitted via the Eastern Accommodate Symplicity portal.

They are to be submitted each semester by following the steps below. The OAS recommends you submit your request as early as possible, as it can take up to 2-4 weeks to process requests.

  1. Visit Symplicity Accommodate Portal log in. Enter your Eastern email address and password.
    accommodate log in page
  2. Select 'Accommodation' from the navigation menu then 'Alternative Format' on the bottom.
    select from accommodation menu
  3. Next, click 'Current' followed by 'Student Entered.'
    alt request student entered
  4. Complete the prompts. If you are requesting an audio textbook, answer 'yes' and enter the textbook information in full for faster processing. Submit one form for each audio textbook request. Attach your proof of purchase receipt and choose the format needed from the menu options.
    screenshot of steps
    Note: You can find the required textbook information on the Eastern - find textbooks page. If the information is not available online, students should contact the professor or departmental secretary to obtain textbook information.
    alt audiobook form part 1

    alt audiobook form part 2
    screenshot of steps
    If you are requesting audio course materials or another format, such as, enlarged font, answer 'no' and enter the corresponding information. Upload your document (PowerPoint, PDF, Word, etc.) and choose the format from the alternative text menu. Submit one alternative format request for each document.
    screenshot with steps
  5. Click 'Submit.' The OAS will confirm receipt and process your alternative format request(s). If you have more than one request, select 'Request Additional Alternative Format' and repeat.

Try converting documents yourself!
SensusAccess software conversion tool can convert files into alternative formats (enlarge fonts, create audiotext files, ect.) It is free and accessible to all the entire Eastern community. To learn more about how to convert files into accessible formats please visit our Digital and Print Accessibility page.

Note: Alternative format requests are not created automatically from your Letters of Accommodation Request. You MUST request alternative format requests separately and if possible, prior to the start of the semester or promptly after registration using this process. Should your schedule change, you are responsible for requesting alternative formats for new classes through this process. Please cancel any requests you no longer need. Once alternative formats are requested, you are responsible for following the established Guidelines and Procedures for your specific accommodations. View Guidelines and Procedures:

Eastern Guidelines and Procedures

For further assistance, questions, or support regarding alternative format requests, please contact or