About Accommodations
Academic Accommodations
Eligibility for accommodations is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please see Register with the OAS for guidance on becoming registered with the OAS.
The following is a list of academic accommodations commonly offered by the OAS:
- Extended time on tests
- Testing in a distraction-reduced environment
- Note-taking assistance
- Recording lectures
- Smartpen loan
- Scribe for exams
- Reader for exams
- Preferential seating
- Books /assigned course materials in alternate format
- Assistive technology
- Auxillary aids
- Accessible classrooms
Housing Accommodations
Requests for housing accommodations are reviewed each semester in collaboration with the OAS Housing Committee. To request a housing accommodation based on a disability, students must register with the OAS. Please see the Register with the OAS tab for guidance on becoming registered with the OAS. Documentation must be current and outline the need for a housing accommodation. Only the OAS staff members will review your documentation.
Accessible Housing Information Brochure
Accessible Housing Application
Temporary Accommodations
The Office of AccessAbility Services (OAS) provides reasonable accommodations to students with temporary medical conditions such as injuries, illnesses, or complicated pregnancies, who may require temporary support. Documentation is required and reasonable accommodations are determined based on the nature and impact of the temporary condition on a case-by-case basis.
To qualify for temporary accommodations, a student should provide documentation of the temporary medical condition as determined by a physician or other health care provider. The follow documentation is required in order to determine appropriate temporary accommodations and services. The documentation is to be typed on letterhead with the physician's signature and should include the following:
- A clear statement of the temporary medical condition, symptoms, and the expected length of the condition.
- Current impact the condition has on the student's daily functioning and learning.
- The physician's recommended accommodations.
- Some temporary medical conditions may require additional updated documentation in the future.
- Alternatively, providers may submit a Documentation of Disability Form - Temporary Injuries, located on the OAS website, under "Forms & Resources."