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Child and Family Development Resource Center

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The mission of the Child and Family Development Resource Center is to provide quality early learning experiences for children and to serve as a resource to families. Faculty members conduct research on a variety of topics related to child development and their findings are used to promote best practices related to the education of young children.

The center is a state-of-the-art research facility, with three mounted cameras, 6 wall mics, and a faculty-invented “frog vest” with an embedded microphone, in each classroom. Researchers can record, store, and edit video from a remote site, so children and teachers are not disturbed by the coming and going of investigators. All research studies are carefully screened so that all children and families are always protected. Faculty who wish to conduct research at the center should contact Niloufar Rezai, the director of the CFDRC.

Resource Center Office

Niloufar Rezai
(860) 465-5270
(860) 465-5277
Program Associate
Maria Martinez
(860) 465-5225
Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

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