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Leave of Absence

(Undergraduate Full Time Students)

Leaves of absence are granted to full-time students who need to interrupt their studies. Leaves are routinely granted for one or two full semesters, but not less than one full semester, to students who intend to return to the University. A leave may not exceed six semesters.

Forms to file for a leave of absence be obtained from, and returned to, the Dean of the School in which the student is matriculated. Students must specify the semester in which they expect to return. A dismissal from the University supercedes a leave of absence.

A leave of absence is recorded on the student's official transcript.

Students on leave must contact the Registrar to receive an appointment for registration for the semester of their planned return. Failure to register for the approved returned semester will result in withdrawal from the University. A student wishing to return after the approved return date must apply for readmission.

The Leave of Absence Form may be used to initiate the process.

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