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Auditing Courses

Persons who do not wish to register for credit may be permitted to register as auditors under the following circumstances: they pay the regular fee; obtain written consent of the instructor and their advisor; audit only courses for which there are adequate classroom and laboratory facilities; and, if a full-time student, carry a minimum of 12 credits of non-audited courses.

Students who audit courses should do so with the intention of attending all class sessions and fulfilling work agreed upon in advance with the instructor. Please note the following:

  • Audit status may not be changed to credit status.
  • A student may audit a course that previously had been taken for credit.
  • Audited courses may be taken, for credit, during a later semester.
  • Auditors are subject to any academic conditions mutually agreed upon in advance by instructor and student.

It is the student's responsibility to return the course audit contract with appropriate signatures to the Registrar's Office by the deadline date. The "AU" designation will be placed on the transcript for a course placed on audit.

In order to have a course(s) audited, use the Course Audit Form.

Note: Audited courses do not fulfill degree requirements or pre-requisite requirements for other courses.