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Psychology Major Learning Outcomes

The department considered and adopted the APA Learning Goals and Outcomes for the Undergraduate Psychology major (Version 3.0) on August 20, 2024. Therefore, our program has the following student learning goals and outcome measures:

Goal 1: Content Knowledge and Applications

Upon completion of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, students will be able to:

  • 1.1A. Use psychological concepts to explain and predict behavior with sensitivity to the limitations of that knowledge

    1.1B. Interpret behavioral phenomena at an appropriate level of complexity, recognizing interactions among psychological, biological, social, and cultural variables

    1.1C. Explain how research conclusions may be affected by sociocultural context

    1.1D. Evaluate common myths and misconceptions about psychology

    1.1E. Provide examples of psychology’s influence on other disciplines (e.g., education, law)

  • 1.2A. Compare and contrast psychology’s major subfields
  • 1.3A. Justify preferences for different theoretical orientations in psychological science based on perceived advantages and limitations

    1.3B. Evaluate important aspects of psychology’s history, including central concerns and theoretical conflicts

    1.3C. Explain how historical context has affected which contributions made by psychologists were deemed influential

    1.3D. Analyze historic examples of how psychologists have contributed to or challenged unethical outcomes or systemic discrimination
  • 1.4A. Apply psychological principles to clarify pressing societal needs and inform public policy

    1.4B. Appraise the effectiveness of psychological problem-solving strategies

    1.4C. Evaluate how psychological factors interact to influence health

    1.4D. Use psychological knowledge to identify ways to prevent or resolve interpersonal and intercultural conflicts

    1.4E. Propose appropriate psychology-based solutions in applied settings
  • 1.5A. Discuss the contributions that integrative themes* make to the understanding and impact of psychological science

    *Psychological Science’s Integrative Themes (APA, 2021)

    1. Psychological science relies on empirical evidence and adapts as new data develop.
    2. Psychological science explains general principles that govern behavior while recognizing individual differences.
    3. Psychological, biological, social, and cultural factors influence behavior and mental processes.
    4. Psychological science values diversity, promotes equity, and fosters inclusion in pursuit of a more just society.
    5. Our perceptions and biases filter our experiences of the world through an imperfect personal lens.
    6. Applying psychological principles can change our lives, organizations, and communities in positive ways.
    7. Ethical principles guide psychological science research and practice.

Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking

Upon completion of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, students will be able to:

  • 2.1A. Distinguish psychological research concepts in a research study

    2.1B. Develop plausible behavioral explanations that use scientific reasoning

    2.1C. Implement strategies to minimize the influence of common fallacies in thinking that impair accurate research conclusions and predictions

  • 2.2A. Select and apply the appropriate research design for a given research question

    2.2B. Design or replicate a research study to confirm or disconfirm a testable hypothesis

    2.2C. Evaluate the extent to which research strategies rule out alternative explanations and support cause-effect claims

    2.2D. Use replicable and open scientific practices

  • 2.3A. Identify examples of how a researcher’s value system, sociocultural characteristics, and historical context influence the development of scientific inquiry into psychological questions

    2.3B. Incorporate appropriate sociocultural considerations in research design and interpretation

    2.3C. Evaluate the generalizability of specific findings, including caution in extending western constructs in appropriate consideration of sociocultural factors

    2.3D. Incorporate international sources, including nonwestern researchers and samples, in research processes, where appropriate

    2.3E. Evaluate how qualitative research strategies address equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations

  • 2.4A. Propose appropriate scales of measurement that can be used for different research purposes

    2.4B. Apply the appropriate use of descriptive and inferential statistics to a specific research design

    2.4C. Communicate research findings using data visualizations

    2.4D. Distinguish and interpret practical and ethical aspects of statistical analysis

    2.4E. Identify, evaluate, or design high-quality measurement strategies that enhance reliability and validity

Goal 3: Values in Psychological Science

Upon completion of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, students will be able to:

  • 3.1A. Justify the use of ethical principles in research, practice, and academic contexts as well as everyday life

    3.1B. Evaluate psychological research for adherence to relevant ethics codes for research involving human or nonhuman participants

    3.1C. Prepare a research proposal to submit to a designated ethical review process

    3.1D. Apply ethical principles to dilemmas that psychologists encounter in practice situations

    3.1E. Explain how upholding academic integrity strengthens relationships and communities

  • 3.2A. Articulate the value of and seek opportunities to interact respectfully with people of diverse abilities, backgrounds, nationalities, and cultural perspectives

    3.2B. Promote high standards of socially responsible personal values in interpersonal and work-related relationships

    3.2C. Evaluate how interpersonal opportunities and challenges develop from differences related to diversity

    3.2D. Seek equitable decisions and actions in allocating resources and opportunities

    3.2E. Identify and implement ways to reduce racism and other discriminatory beliefs and practices

  • 3.3A. Propose ways to improve quality of life using psychological principles that are respectful of cultural context

    3.3B. Participate in activities that promote civic, social, and/or global outcomes that benefit communities

    3.3C. Apply psychological principles to address issues of global concern (e.g., poverty, health, migration, human rights, international conflict, sustainability)

    3.3D. Analyze the potential effects of psychology-based interventions on public policy issues

    3.3E. Serve others through volunteer service, practica, and apprenticeship experiences

Goal 4: Communication, Psychological Literacy, and Technology Skills

Upon completion of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, students will be able to:

  • 4.1A. Distinguish between overt and covert messages in communication

    4.1B. Deploy psychological concepts to facilitate effective interactions with people of diverse backgrounds

  • 4.2A. Craft clear and concise communications to fulfill a purpose and address specific audiences

    4.2B. Construct arguments clearly and concisely from evidence-based psychological concepts and theories

    4.2C. Develop ideas in formats to fit a complex project’s purpose and length

    4.2D. Deliver complex communication projects that meet established conventions and professional guidelines

    4.2E. Use inclusive language and examples in communication projects to optimize audience understanding and engagement

    4.2F. Revise communication projects by incorporating constructive feedback

    4.2G. Generate questions intended to deepen or broaden the discussion related to a communication project

    4.2H. Offer constructive feedback on a communication project

  • 4.3A. Accurately summarize complex ideas and conclusions from psychological sources and research

    4.3B. Describe the characteristics and relative value of different kinds of information sources (e.g., primary vs. secondary, peer reviewed vs. non-reviewed, empirical vs. nonempirical)

    4.3C. Evaluate psychological information based on the currency, reliability, validity, and generalizability of sources

    4.3D. Evaluate the biases and errors that appear in various media

  • 4.4A. Use electronic communication professionally

    4.4B. Use digital and social media effectively and responsibly

    4.4C. Develop comprehensive and efficient strategies for locating and using relevant scholarship to investigate psychological questions

    4.4D. Use advanced features of technology to create engaging, effective, and professional documents and presentations

Goal 5: Personal and Professional Development

Upon completion of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, students will be able to:

  • 5.1A. Use self-regulation strategies (e.g., focused attention, time management, meeting deadlines) to enhance performance and develop evidence for a strong work ethic

    5.1B. Incorporate suggestions from feedback from peers, educators, and mentors to improve task performance

    5.1C. Incorporate self-awareness and self-care practices to promote high-quality performance

    5.1D. Persevere when appropriately challenged by using resilience-based strategies

    5.1E. Adapt to change in a flexible and proactive manner that is appropriate to the context

  • 5.2A. Adhere to or exceed project criteria in project completion

    5.2B. Develop alternative strategies to expand resources and overcome problems and constraints

  • 5.3A. Accept and adapt to interaction complexity in professional, cultural, and academic contexts

    5.3B. Develop and implement professional solutions that emphasize the value of data as evidence

    5.3C. Engage in civic projects that can produce a positive professional impact

    5.3D. Discuss how well one’s own personal values align with particular workplaces

  • 5.4A. Collaborate effectively on team-based projects

    5.4B. Incorporate diverse perspectives to maximize collaboration effectiveness and problem-solving

    5.4C. Implement possible solutions to problems that develop when working with teams

    5.4D. Address weaknesses in one’s own performance as a team member

    5.4E. Exhibit leadership in successful task completion

    5.4F. Adopt specific strategies to mitigate personal biases that can influence professional judgment

  • 5.5A. Use appropriate technology to improve work quality, efficiency, and productivity

    5.5B. Develop competence in adapting to changing technologies

    5.5C. Establish a strategic online presence

  • 5.6A. Refine an academic and career plan based on accurate self-assessment of abilities and feedback from others

    5.6B. Use appropriate career resources to evaluate academic and career options

    5.6C. Develop evidence of skills and qualifications that graduate programs and employers desire in psychology graduates

    5.6D. Create and maintain a resume or curriculum vitae that showcases a psychology background

    5.6E. Gain experience and develop skills in activities that strengthen preparation for job entry or graduate school admission