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I.                   Personal Details

Business Address:

156 Science Building, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic CT 06226

Telephone (Office):


Fax (Office):





II.                Education

2000- 2005

University of Vermont, USA

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics


University of Cape Coast, Ghana

MPhil. Mathematics


University of Cape Coast, Ghana

BSc. Mathematics & Diploma in Education


III.             Work Experience

August 2009 to Date


August 2004 – 2009

Associate Professor of Mathematics: Eastern Connecticut State University

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU)

August 2000 – May 2004

Graduate Teaching Fellow, Department of Mathematics and    

Statistics, University of Vermont (UVM).

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Botany and  

Agricultural Biochemistry, UVM.



Lecturer, Department of Mathematics University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana


1997 - 1998

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana



Demonstrator, Department of Mathematics University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana


1992 – 1993

Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana




I have on average taught over 12 credits per semester. Please find below classes taught since in 2004.


Spring 2010: Teaching one section of MAT 421 (Real Analysis II), one section of MAT 340 (Calculus III), one section of MAT 244 (Calculus II) and one section of MAT 490 (Internship in College Teaching).

Fall 2009: Teaching one section of MAT 420 (Real Analysis I), 2 sections of MAT 243 (Calculus I), one section of MAT 490 (Internship in College Teaching) and one section of MAT 480 (independent study).


Summer 2009: Taught MAT 216 (Statistical Data Analysis) and MAT 098 (Elementary Algebra) for the STEP-CAP Program.


Spring 2009: Taught MAT 340 (Calculus III), MAT 310 (Applied Linear Algebra) and 2 sections of MAT 216 (Statistical Data Analysis).


Winter 2009: Taught one section of MAT 216 (Statistical Data Analysis).


Fall 2004 – Fall 2008: Taught on average 12 FLCs per semester.



Research Interests

Modeling the dynamics of invasive species using evolutionary computations; deterministic uncertainty/stochastic differential equations; particle deposition in lungs; Modeling the spread of Buruli ulcer; Applications of mathematics to art (evolutionary art); Malaria modeling using both molecular and optical techniques.


Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Osei, B. M., Aidoo, A, Nsiah, Y. (200X). Seasonality and the dynamics of Mycobacterium Ulcerans transmission. Submitted to the Theory in Biosciences


  1. Osei, B. M., Asiedu-Addo Samuel. (2010). Asymptotic Behavior of the Wronskian for a Second Order Boundary Value Problem. Accepted and to be published in the International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics



  1. Osei, B. M., Ellingwood, C. D., Hoffmann, J. P., Bentil, D. E. (200X). Modeling Zebra Mussels Spread in Lake Champlain via Evolutionary Computations submitted to the Journal of Biological Dynamics.


  1. Aidoo A., Osei B. M. (2007). Prevalence of aquatic insects and arsenic concentration determine the geographical distribution of Mycobacterium ulcerans infection. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 8:4, 235 – 244.


  1. Bentil D. E., Osei B. M., Ellingwood C. D., Hoffmann J. P. (2007). Analysis of a Schnute Postulate-based Unified Growth Model for Model Selection in Evolutionary Computations, Biosystems 90, 467-474.


  1. Osei, B. M., Hoffmann, J. P., Ellingwood, C. D., Bentil, D. E. (2005). Probabilistic Uncertainty in Population Dynamics. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 2(1), 51 – 56.


  1. Hoffmann, J.P., Ellingwood, C.D., Osei, B. M. and Bentil, D.E. (2004). Ecological modeling via information theory and evolutionary computation. Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 5(2), 229-241.


  1. Bentil, D. E., Osei, B. M., Ellingwood, C. D. Hoffmann, J. P. (2003). Deterministic uncertainty in population growth. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (ISUMA). IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA., 274 - 278.


  1. Hoffmann, J.P., Ellingwood, C.D., Osei, B. M. and Bentil, D.E. (2002). Turning genes off and on: Using genetic algorithms with complexity-based fitness for model selection in ecology. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2002) – Workshop Special Session on Biological Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 38-40.
  2. 10. Osei, B. M. (2001). Asymptotic behavior of boundary condition functions for second order boundary value problems. Journal of Natural Sciences 1(2), 93-106.


Work Progress


Development of Rapid Integrated Point of Care Technology (RIPCT) for Diagnosis of Malaria




Asymptotic Behavior of Green’s Function for a Second Order Boundary Value Problem.




Analysis of reaction diffusion systems with weak diffusion leading to the stochastic Burgers’ equation.



April 2010            Funded Proposal for Summer Curriculum development Grant for developing a     

     Mathematical biology manual. ($2750.00)


April 2010            Funded Proposal for Student Research in Study (Re-thinking Development in

     Africa) in Ghana, West Africa, in Fulfillment of the LAW Requirement   



July 2009             Accepted Letter of Inquiry to the James McDonnell Foundation for a   

     proposal entitled ‘Development of Rapid Integrated Point of Care 

     Technology for the Diagnosis of Malaria.


September 2008   Preliminary proposal for $595,725.00 has been submitted to the Bill &

                 Melinda Gates Foundation for 60 months on a malaria project entitled  

                 Mathematical Modeling of Deformation and Flow of Infected

                 Plasmodium Erythrocytes in Capillary Blockage by Molecular and

                Optical Techniques (Not funded).


July 2008             I wrote an $849,095.00 Career proposal to the National Science  

                            Foundation for a 60 month for undergraduate training in population 

                            Dynamics (Not funded).


February 1, 2008  A proposal for $4961.72 to fund the project entitled Modeling of deformations and flow of infected Plasmodium Falciparum erythrocytes in capillary blockage by an optical tweezer experiment. (Funded)       



Fall 2007

A $1500.00 AAUP Faculty Retraining Proposal entitled “Training in Biomedical Applications of Lasers” (Funded)

October 6, 2006

A $1500 AAUP Faculty Development Proposal entitled “Model Construction and Computation” (Not Funded)



 February 2006

A $10,000 CSU research proposal entitled “Interaction of Prevalence of Aquatic Insects and Arsenic Concentration Determines Geographical Distribution of Mycobacterium Ulcerans in collaboration with Dr. Anthony Aidoo, Mathematics and Computer Science Department, ECSU (Not Funded).



June 2005

A $3000 proposal in collaboration with Marion Callis, the director of Akus Gallery, ECSU for a University Hour entitled “A Self organizing Map of Beauty.” (Funded)



February 2005

A $5000 Connecticut State University System (CSUS) research proposal entitled Evolving Dynamic Invasive Species Models via Evolutionary Computation and Information Theory (Not Funded)


Conference Presentations

January 10-11, 2010   Presented a poster at The International Workshop on Systems Approaches in Immunology: Advances and Challenges in multi-scale modeling.


September 19 – 27,     Presented a paper at the European Conference on Complex Systems, held 2009                             at University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.


September 19-27, 2009

Paper presented at the European Conference on Complex Systems, 2009, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK 



May 12 – 16, 2009

Paper presented at the Buea International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon



January 25 to 30, 2009 

Poster presentation at the Gordon Conference on Molecular Approaches For Emergent/Re-Emergent Tropical Diseases, Galveston, TX.



March 29, 2008


Paper presented at the 11th CSUS Faculty Research Conference, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT



November 19- 24, 2007


Paper presented at the conference on Optics and Laser Applications in Medicine and Environmental Monitoring For Sustainable Development (OPTOLASERMED 2007), University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana



April 16-19, 2007


Paper presented at the Fifth IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory held at The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education in Athens, Georgia



May 21 to 26, 2006

Poster presented at the Workshop on Systems Biology and Molecular Modeling held at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA



October 22, 2005

Paper presented at the 9th CSUS Faculty Research Conference, held at Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT



October 28 to 30, 2005

Poster presented at the Workshop on Applications of Methods of Stochastic Systems and Statistical Physics in Biology at University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.



January 22 – 25, 2005

Paper presented at the WEAS International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology, Udine, Italy.



January, 7-10, 2004

Poster presented at the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Joint Mathematics Meeting, Phoenix, USA.



June, 11 - 22 2001

Poster presented at the International Workshop on Protein Folding, Structure and Design, Trieste, Italy.



September 24 – October 1999

A group paper entitled “Modeling and Prediction of Ozone levels in Austria” presented at the workshop on ‘modeling real systems: a hands-on first encounter with industrial mathematics', Trieste, Italy.



Invited Seminars


November 24, 2008    Invited to present a paper entitled “How fat are you.” at University 

 of Education, in Winneba, Ghana.  



April 16-19, 2007         Invited to speak at the Fifth IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory held at The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education in Athens, Georgia


September 9-12, 2006

Invited to present a paper entitled “Modeling the Dynamics of Invasive Species via a modified Genetic Algorithm” presented at the SIAM conference on Non-linear Waves and Coherent Structures held at University of Washington in Seattle



3-13 June 2003

Invited to present a paper entitled “ Schnute postulate-based Unified Model for Growth” 5th Regional College on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Accra, Ghana


May 2001

Invited to present a paper entitled “A novel approach for developing PDE models of the spread of Invasive Species” with Dr James Hoffman and Chris Ellingwood of the Department of Botany and Agricultural Biochemistry of The University of Vermont at the Evolutionary Computation – IBM Workshop, Essex Junction, VT





VI.             SERVICE


Service to Department

August 2004 – to date

Member, Statistics Committee, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eastern Connecticut State University

Summer 2007


Member, One year Appointment for Mathematics Department Search Committee



Fall 2009

Departmental Liaison for the Advising Center


Service to University

Spring 2008

Senate Representative at the Liberal Arts Program Committee



Spring 2008 to Fall 2008

Mathematics and Computer Science Department Representative at the University Senate



Fall 2007 to Spring 2009


Member Sabbatic Leave Committee


Summer 2007 to 2008

Member CSU Faculty Research Conference Committee


Fall 2007

Member, Search for Coordinator of Akus Gallery





Spring 2007 to Fall 2008

Member, Science Building Art Committee



Fall 2006 to date

Akus Gallery Advisory Committee



Spring 2007

Member, University Assistant Search Committee



Fall 2006

Member, Nasin House Search Committee



Spring 2006 to Date

Volunteer, STEP-CAP interviews



Summer 2005, 2006

Advisor, Student Orientation Advising Registration Program (SOAR), ECSU.



Summer 2005, 2006

Faculty Facilitator, (SOAR), ECSU.



January 25, 2006

Panel Member, University Hour (A Self Organizing Map of Beauty)



2004-to date

Advisor/Mentor, to an average of 17 Assigned Students at ECSU per semester



March 2005- date

Member, ECSU Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee








2002 - 2003

Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UVM, VT



Summer 2001, 2002 and 2003

Councilor, University of Vermont/Governor’s Institute of Vermont Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Summer Program



October 4, 2003

Co-advisor, New England Board of Higher Education Science Network Workshop held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA.



Conferences and Workshops

January 10-11, 2010        The International Workshop on Systems Approaches in Immunology: Advances and Challenges in multi-scale modeling.


September 19-27, 2009   European Conference on Complex Systems, 2009, University of 

    Warwick, Coventry, UK.

May 12 – 16, 2009          Buea International Conference on Mathematical Sciences,

    University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon.

January 25 to 30, 2009    Gordon Conference on Molecular Approaches For

     Emergent/Re-Emergent Tropical Diseases, Galveston, TX.

September 27-28, 2008

Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Human Metabolism and Body Weight Regulation, Bethesda, MD

March 29, 2008

Participant, The 11th CSUS Faculty Research Conference, Eastern Connecticut, State University.

February 11- 22, 2008

Participant, Winter College on Micro and Nano Photonics for Life Sciences, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

December 4, 2007

Participant, COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling Workshop, held at Hartford, CT.

November 19-24 2007

Participant, International Conference on Optics and Laser Applications in Medicine and Environmental Monitoring For Sustainable Development (OPTOLASERMED 2007), University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

October 13-14, 2007


Participant, Wesleyan Dynamical Systems Conference held at Wesleyan University, Middletown CT..

June 20-23, 2007

Participant, Mathematics for Social Justice held at Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.

April 16-19,2007


Participant, The Fifth IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory held at The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education in Athens, Georgia

October 14, 2006

Participant, 10th CSUS Faculty Research Conference, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT.

September 9 -12, 2006

Participant, SIAM conference on Non-linear Waves and Coherent Structures held in University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

May 21 to 26, 2006

Participant, Workshop on Systems Biology and Molecular Modeling held at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

April 4, 2006

Participant, Comsol Multiphysics Modeling Workshop, held at Micro Tek, Burlington, MA.

October 22, 2005

Participant, 9th CSUS Faculty Research Conference, held at Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT

October 28 to 30, 2005

Participant at Workshop on Applications of Methods of Stochastic Systems and Statistical Physics in Biology at University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN

January 22 – 25, 2005

Participant, WEAS International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology, Udine, Italy.

January, 7-10, 2004

Participant, AMS Joint Mathematics Meeting, Phoenix, USA.

June 4, 2003

Participant, New England Board of Higher Education Science Network Workshop, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts.

April 2, 2002

Participant, Technology in Classroom Workshop, UVM, VT.

June, 11 - 22 2001

Participant, International Workshop on Protein Folding, Structure and Design, Trieste, Italy.

January 8-10 2001

Participant, AMS Short Course on Mathematical Biology, New Orleans, USA.

January 10 -13 2001

Participant, AMS Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, USA

September 24 – October 22 1999

Participant, Modeling Real Systems: A Hands-on First Encounter with Industrial Mathematics, Trieste Italy.

July 22 - August 2, 1996

Participant, 2nd Edward Bouchet Regional Conference on Functional Analysis and its Applications to Differential Equations. Accra, Ghana.

April 15- May 3, 1996

Participant, School on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications to Differential Equations, Trieste, Italy.


Professional Affiliation

1.  Member

American Mathematical Society

2.  Member

Society of Mathematical Biology

3.  Member

Mathematical Association of America

4.  Member

Complex Systems Council

5.  Member

Complex Systems Society

6.  Member

Developing Countries Committee, Complex Systems Society

7.  Member

Gender Committee, Complex Systems Society



  • Advisor – African Club of Eastern Connecticut State University
  • Member – Program Committee (PC) Member for the Intelligent Systems Symposium, of the 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering.
  • Advisor: PhD student at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
  • Moderator – 2008 CSUS Faculty Research Conference
  • Member – 2008 Scholarship Committee for the African Technology Conference to be held in Accra, Ghana from July 15-18, 2008
  • Moderator – 2005 CSUS Faculty Research Conference


Special Award

June, 1995

Best project award at 7th International Workshop on the Use of Microcomputers in Science, Mathematics and Physics Education, Nairobi, Kenya.


Undergraduate Mentoring

  • Volunteer to travel and mentor 17 Eastern Students to Ghana in Africa.
  • I was a research advisor and mentor to Jenae Beauchamp and Nicole Beauchamp of Eastern Connecticut State University who both presented their research at both Regional and National undergraduate Research Conferences.