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I-94 Arrival/Departure Record

What is an I-94 record?

Your travel in and out of the U.S. is recorded electronically by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) through the I-94 Arrival/Departure Record. This important record lists your entry date, port of entry, and visa status in which you were admitted to the U.S. The I-94 record may be required as proof of status for F-1 or J-1 benefits applications, employment verification, and other official purposes.

When you travel through an air or sea port into the U.S. usually you will receive an F-1 or J-1 stamp in your passport. You can use the information in this stamp to access and print your electronic I-94 record. Students who come through a border crossing will still receive a paper I-94 card. (Historically, the paper I-94 card was issued to all students and always stapled into your passport when you entered the U.S. The shift to electronic I-94 records began in May 2013). If you receive a paper I-94 card, keep the card stapled into your passport at all times.

How do I access my electronic I-94 record?

After you arrive in the U.S., you should print a paper copy of your electronic I-94 card record from the Customs and Border Protection website. It's important to check that your electronic travel record is accurate and accessible. Keep the I-94 record paper copy with your other immigration documents.

What if there is a mistake on my electronic I-94 record?

Sometimes CBP officers make errors in students' electronic I-94 records. Some errors, especially those regarding visa type or date of expiration, can be harmful to your immigration status. If you see an error on your electronic I-94 record, it may be possible to have it corrected. Contact the Study Abroad office immediately if you notice an error.

What happens to my I-94 record when I leave the country?

If you have an electronic I-94 record, your departure information will be collected by the U.S. government from airline manifests; under these circumstances, nothing will be collected from you. If you have an electronic I-94 record, but leave the U.S. by a border crossing, Customs and Border Protection recommends that you take other proof of your exit with you.

How can I get more information on I-94 records?

If you have questions about your I-94 record, or want to share an experience you've had with the new electronic I-94 system, please feel free to contact the Study Abroad office at If you want more information regarding the electronic I-94 system, please check the CBP website.

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