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The Institute for Sustainability at Eastern Connecticut State University in collaboration with the Cannabis Studies Program recognizes regional cannabis businesses committed to implementing sustainable practices with the New England Sustainable Cannabis Certification (NESCC).  Those businesses listed below have committed to continuous improvement of their environmental and social impacts, thus serving as models for the long-term sustainability of cannabis businesses and the communities in which they operate.

First Annual New England Cannabis Research and Education Conference, October 2022.

Certified Businesses

  • Sweet Spot Farms, Norwich, CT (2023)
  • Mr. Nice Guy Hemp & Garden Supply, Wolcott, CT (2023)
  • D&G Agtek SweetHeal, Eastford, CT (2023)
  • Fine Fettle, four Connecticut towns (2023)

The Pledge

  1. We reduce solid waste by minimizing or eliminating single-use plastic, using refillable containers, bulk purchasing, and composting or re-use of biproducts when feasible.
  2. We reduce water consumption using methods such as maintaining drip lines, night-irrigation, mulching, and low-flow toilets and faucet aerators.
  3. We promote biodiversity by including native and pollinator-friendly plants, green roofs, bioswale, rain gardens, and minimizing turfgrass around buildings and parking lots.
  4. We support the local economy by sourcing materials as close to our businesses as possible.
  5. We avoid hazardous waste like mercury CFL bulbs and batteries and always collect for appropriate disposal from facilities and office space.
  6. We track our energy use and take at least one energy reduction action each year (small or large), including energy audit, staff training, LED conversion, motion sensing lights, programmable thermostats, energy efficient appliances, insulation, or by installing heat pumps, solar panels, or solar EV charging stations.
  7. We use the least toxic products available for cleaning, laundry, landscaping, renovations, mechanical repairs etc.
  8. We promote the well-being of our employees through benefits, wellness programs, and professional development and support our community through inclusive hiring, active engagement and attention to the environment.

Advisory Board Members

Bryan Connolly, Ph.D., Biology and Cannabis Studies, Eastern Connecticut State University

Blake Costa, Sweet Spot Farms, Norwich, CT

Kaitlyn Fenton, Acreage Holdings, Danbury, CT

Tori Giannini, Fine Fettle, Connecticut and Massachusetts

Michael Goodenough, D&G Agtek Sweetheal, Eastford, CT

Patty Szczys, Ph.D., Biology and Executive Director, Institute for Sustainability, Eastern Connecticut State University

Ryan Vassar, Mr. Nice Guy Hemp and Garden Supply, Wolcott, CT

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Please contact if you would like to become a member of the Sustainable Cannabis Advisory Board - working to update the certification process and criteria as the industry evolves.

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