Eastern Ad‐Hoc Budget Committee
June 10, 2009
Connecticut Room, Gelsi‐Young Hall
Attendance: Patricia Banach, Karyl Bulmer, Dennis Hannon, Diane Moore, Elsa Nunez, Dimitrios Pachis, Michael Pernal, William Salka, John Sweeney
Absent: Grace Enggas, Dave Bachand, Pat Christadore, Drew Hyatt, Kristin Jacobi, David Mariasi, Douglas Lussier, William Newell, Bruce Tyler
Meeting commenced at 9:00 am
Motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting (D. Hannon, M. Pernal ‐ Passed)
State Budget Update
- AVP Sweeney shared an article from the Journal Inquirer about the state budget talks.
- The Governor’s administration walked out on the legislatures.
Savings Update
- A bar chart comparing FY09 to FY08 monthly spending for other expenses was handed out.
- Thanks to the restraint the Eastern community has shown, we have been able to reduce spending for other expenses by $1.7 million since January 1 as compared to 2008 spending.
Extension Fee Changes
- The Board of Trustees has approved a change to the part‐time course fees to tuition anda service fee.
- This change only affects the Fall and Spring semesters, Summer and Wintersession will
still be classified as a course fee.
- The part‐time tuition will be subject to the 15% set‐aside required for need‐based
financial aid. The increase in financial aid will be about $300k, but should be offset by
the new GI Bill for post 9/11 veterans.
Presentation of Fiscal Year 2010 Spending Plan
- AVP Sweeney shared a copy of the FY 2010 Spending Plan draft and a list of key
- The plan includes transfers in FY10 to replenish reserves and to provide for FY11 pay
- The plan will be presented to the CSU Board of Trustees on June 11.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 15 at 9:00 in the Connecticut Room, Gelsi‐Young Hall
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am
Respectfully submitted,
Karyl Bulmer, Assistant Bursar for Student Accounts