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Travel Authorization

An approved Travel Authorization is required for:

  •  out-of-state travel at “no cost to the University or System”.  Appropriate auto insurance must be on file in the Travel Office if using a personally owned vehicle.
  • all out-of-state and foreign travel.
  • in-state travel involving any non-mileage expense greater than $50.00 per trip.
  • any travel related P-Card purchases.

An approved Travel Authorization must be submitted to the Travel Office prior to travel. Failure to submit the approved Travel Authorization at least two (2) weeks prior to travel may mean that the travel office may be unable to render advances or prepayments as requested.

A Travel Authorization received in the Travel Office after the travel has commenced, may not be covered or reimbursable. Any late submission must be documented on the Policy Exception Request form (Exhibit A) and approved by the traveler’s supervisor before consideration of the Exception by the Travel Office in consult with the Vice President/Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration or Chief Financial Officer or designee on a case-by-case basis.

For in-state travel which is mileage only, or non-mileage in-state travel in an amount of $50.00 per trip or less, the submission of a Travel Reimbursement form approved by department head, along with a filed insurance document (if travel is by privately owned automobile) is sufficient proof that the individual is on State Business and prior written authorization is unnecessary.

It is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure that appropriate coverage arrangements have been made where needed (e.g., for classroom coverage, etc.).


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