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Eastern Travel Guidelines

The following outline provides a step-by-step reference guide for all employees who are required to travel while performing services on behalf of the University. Please keep this fact sheet handy when planning your next travel event. Travel Desk: ext. 55375, 54794
Eastern Travel Forms:

  • CSUFR3-30 Travel Authorization Form TA is used for Out-of-State and International travel, as well as In-State travel expense reimbursements over $50.00 (exclusive of mileage).
  • ECSU-XP17 CSU Reimbursement Form is used for in-State mileage reimbursements and other miscellaneous travel related expenses over $50.00, and for the reimbursement of expenses claimed on a TA following the completion of a trip.
The XP must contain the payee's signature and amount of reimbursement requested. Indicate the purpose of the trip and the amount of reimbursement expected. The TA form requires the same information as the XP. Even travel events that are no cost to the State require the completion of a TA form. Please inquire with the travel desk regarding TA processing while on sabbatical.
Include the Banner Index, travel date/s, and the "From" and "To" locations. Submit approved TA to the Travel Office two (2) weeks prior to departure. Upon receipt of the form, the Travel Office will assign a TA number.
Calculating mileage: Multiply the number of miles driven by the prevailing mileage rate (.70). Attach a MAPQUEST search to verify the distance. Subtract normal commute (mileage from the employee's home to ECSU) to arrive at total reimbursable amount Requests for advance payments must be over $100.00 and are to be included on the TA. The traveler will receive 80% of the requested amount three (3) days prior to departure.
The form must be signed by the authorizing agent, i.e. budget authority, department head. Transportation arrangements can be made through SANDITZ 1-800-858-4456, or can be made personally by the employee. Travelers are encouraged to negotiate for the best pricing available. Attach e-ticket confirms, and all other supporting documents when submitting TA to the Travel Office. Remember that proof of employee's auto insurance coverage must be on file for car rentals prior to travel.
The declaration page from the employee's auto insurance reflecting State required coverage of 50,000/100,000 must be on file prior to travel. Lodging, registration fees, conference fees will be prepaid with the submission of appropriate documentation. Include the vendor's Tax ID number and mailing address.
A completed XP must be submitted to the Travel Office within thirty (30) days after the end of the month.

When your trip is completed:

  • Submit a completed XP no longer than 30 business days after your return when an advance has been provided, or 30 days after you return when no advance was provided along with all supporting documents. These documents may include but are not limited to: lodging, transportation and meal receipts (if using per diem method go to U.S. General Services for current domestic and international rates).
  • If applicable, international travel reimbursements should list the monetary exchange rate for the last day of travel. Use the Currency converter website.
  • Reimbursements are expedited once paperwork is reviewed and authorized by the Travel Office supervisor.

Please Note:

  1. Alcohol is not reimbursable.
  2. If you need to revise your TA because costs have increased by more than 10%, or funding sources have changed, authorizing signatures must be in place and the TA marked "Revision".
  3. Refer to the CSU Travel Policies & Procedures for additional policy details.