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  • Enrollment is available at the time you receive your eBill for the semester. Fall bills are generated in June and Spring bills are generated in November.
  • The enrollment fee is $35.00 per semester.


  • The plan is only available on a semester basis. So if you want an installment plan for the full academic year, you will need to renew your plan each semester.


  • You can have up to five installments depending on when you enroll. For example, if the first installment is due July 1st and you enroll before July 1st, your payment plan will be for five installments. If you enroll after July 1st but before August 1st, your payment plan will be for four installments, and so on.

  • The installment amount is based on your actual tuition, fees, room and board charges less any pending financial aid and divided by the number of installments in the plan. Here are a couple of examples to show you how it works:

    Example 1:
    You enroll before July 1st so your payment plan is for 5 installments.

    Your total charge for tuition is $5000.00

    You are expecting to get a student loan for $2500.00

    Your balance in this scenario is $5000 minus $2500.00 which equals $2500.00

    Your monthly installment amount is $2500 divided by 5 or $500.00

    Example 2:
    You enroll on July 20th, after the first installment due date. So your payment plan is for 4 installments.

    Your total charge for tuition is $8500.00.

    You are expecting a student loan for $3800.00

    Your balance in this scenario is $8500 minus $3800 which equals $4700.00

    Your monthly installment amount is $4700 divided by 4 which equals $1175.00


  • You can make on-line payments using either a credit card, debit card or electronic check. With electronic check payments you have the option to automatically debit your bank account each month.

  • Installments that are not paid within 10 days of their due date are subject to a $50 late fee. In addition, your plan could be cancelled if you miss more than one installment.

  • Your payment plan will be for whatever number of installments are left for the semester.

  • We recommend one of two options. The first would be to wait to enroll until your financial aid appears on your bill. You should contact the Aid Office at (860) 465-5205 to check on the status of your aid.

    The second would be to go ahead and set up the payment plan. Once your aid appears on your bill, your payment amount will be automatically adjusted by the system to reflect the financial aid.

  • When you add a charge, let's say for a meal plan, your payment amount will be automatically adjusted upward . You will also receive a new disclosure statement by e-mail when that happens.

  • No, you can only have one payment plan per semester.

  • An authorized user can set up a payment plan but it must be the only plan set up for the semester.

  • We recommend the following:

    You, the student, set up the payment plan. Make sure the plan does not have the autopay option.

    Set up each parent as an authorized user.

    When an installment is due, each parent can determine which installment they need to pay.

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