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Bursar/Cashier - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Fall Term:July 31st

    Spring Term: December 31st

    Winter and Summer Sessions: Upon registration for class

  • Bills are viewed online through your student account. The Bursar's Office will notify you by email when a new bill is available for viewing.It is extremely important that you check your Eastern email account for messages from the Bursar/Cashier Office.

  • You can view your account by going to Eastern's homepage and click on Current Students. Select the eWeb then navigate to your student account where you can view your account balance,  pending financial aid and make payments and deposits.

  • Eastern offers a web-based payment plan service that enables you to spread your out of pocket costs for tuition, fees, room and board over a semester. With this plan you can:

    • Set up a monthly payment plan based on your actual charges and pending financial aid
    • Automatically pay your installments each month using electronic check
    • Receive e-mail notifications as your plan adjusts to changes in your account

    You can pay your semester's bill in up to five monthly installments depending on when you enroll. The service is interest free and costs only $35 per semester, so act now to take full advantage of this opportunity. Click on this link for more information:

  • You can pay  your bill via your online account with a credit/debit card or through an ACH funds transfer.  Credit card payments are subject to a 2.95% convenience fee.  The Cashier’s Office does not take credit card payments over the phone.

    • TUITION - partially funds the instructional mission of the University. As a state agency, we receive funds from the State Legislature which also helps support the institution.
    • STATE UNIVERSITY FEE - used to repay the bonds that fund the construction of campus buildings. By spreading out the cost of these construction projects, students are able to benefit from the use of the buildings while contribution to their cost.
    • UNIVERSITY GENERAL FEE - helps to fund many of the student services offered by the University. Some of these services, which are available to every student at Eastern, include: career development and placement, ID cards, shuttle bus services, parking stickers, athletic activities and the Student Center. A portion also provides mandatory supplemental accident insurance coverage.
    • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FEE - funds the enhancement of student learning through expanded use of current computer hardware, software and telecommunication systems.
    • STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE - supports the Student Senate and helps to fund student clubs and activities.
    • Each of these fees is a mandatory requirement set forth by the Board of Trustees of the Connecticut State University System. Payment of these fees is a required condition of good academic standing.
  • All deposits are non-refundable.Please contact the Office of Housing and Residential Life at (860) 465-5297 if you have any questions.
    • Please contact Registration for a withdrawal form (860) 465-5224
    • As a full-time student, you can withdraw from Eastern up to and including the first day of classes and you will not owe tuition and fees. Deposits will be forfeited.
    • You will owe 40% of your tuition and fees for withdrawal after the first day but within the first 2 weeks of classes.
    • You will owe 60% if you withdraw during the 3rd and 4th week of classes.
    • You will owe 100% for withdrawal after the 4th week of classes.

    Consult Eastern's Academic Calendar for specific refund date deadlines.

    If you have financial aid, you may lose a significant portion of your aid by withdrawing from Eastern. The result could be that you will owe Eastern money. It is important for you to consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to your withdrawal to protect your financial interests.

    Contact the Financial Aid Office at 860-465-5205or e-mail them.

  • When you receive financial aid depends on how timely you have filed for aid and whether you have properly completed all the filing requirements. The Bursar/Cashier's Office has no control over when you receive your financial aid. It is important for you to monitor the status of your aid to ensure that you receive it on time. You can check the status via your on-line account. If you have questions about your financial aid, please call the Financial Aid Office at 860-465-5205 or email financial aid.
  • If your financial aid is in order, your bill should show any pending aid in the form of a "Memo" or Authorized" credit. This credit is deducted from the amount you owe. If your aid does not appear on your bill, it could mean that there is a problem with your aid application. CONTACT THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE IMMEDIATELY TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM! If you do not, you could lose your aid and be responsible for payment subject to late charge, be denied grades, or held from future registration.
  • The Bursar’s/Cashier’s Office makes every effort to process refunds within five (5) days after your aid has been applied to your account.  All checks will be mailed to the student home addresses after they are printed.  We highly recommend that you sign up for electronic deposit of your refunds.  To do so go to your student account webpage and select the Refund menu option on the top of the page.  
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