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Fatma Pakdil - Professor, Business Administration

Ph.D., Uludag University


Fatma Pakdil

Professor Fatma Pakdil is an accomplished scholar and expert on quality management, quality control, Six Sigma and lean management. Before coming to Eastern, she was a member of the faculty at Baskent University. She earned her M.B.A. and Ph.D. in management, and her B.S. in econometrics from Uludag University. Her teaching interests include statistical quality control in healthcare, service quality and quality control.

An academic leader

Professor Pakdil developed the healthcare management concentration for business administration majors and created the healthcare management minor in spring 2018. Through class projects and independent studies, Professor Pakdil has also been actively involved in mentoring students in undergraduate research.

Professor Pakdil organized a Summer Research Institute titled "Collaborative Research: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Big Data Analytics in Healthcare" in August 2022 with 12 students at Eastern. She was awarded a grant by NASA CT Space Grant Consortium to teach high school students applying big data analytics in the healthcare system and increase awareness of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields for their careers.

Research interests.

“My personal, academic and professional life is linked to the wine business and the wine industry. I am an Argentine-Italian national born in the wine country of Mendoza, Argentina. I come from a family with a long tradition in winemaking in Europe and South America. I have thoroughly researched the newly established New England wine industry and the more traditional Argentinian wine industry. I am now engaged in several research projects related to a firm-level study of the global wine industry.”

Student researchers prosper under her tutelage

Through class projects and independent studies, Professor Pakdil has also been actively involved in mentoring students in undergraduate research. Students conducting research under Professor Pakdil have presented at national conferences such as NCUR and NEDSI.

She also works with her students to collaborate with local businesses to analyze operations management topics. “We focus on their business problems and projects so students can see the real-life application of topics covered in the classroom,” said Professor Pakdil. “Having a real case with various topics to work on is more challenging and informative and shows students what they can expect after graduation.”

Professor Pakdil was awarded the 2018 CSU-AAUP Research Award at Eastern.  She was also awarded the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Mentor Award in 2021 at Eastern.

Professor Fatma Pakdil developed the healthcare management concentration for business administration majors and created the healthcare management minor.

Fatma Pakdil posing for photo with students

Supporting leadership

Professor Pakdil co-authored “The Manager’s Tool Kit: Performance Leadership” with Karen Leonard, which discusses the idea of leading employee performance, emphasizing that it should be the focus of management. The book is intended as a resource for supervisors, managers, human resource staff and anyone who needs to manage performance. “Traditionally, an employee’s performance is evaluated and appraised, not managed,” said Pakdil. “An employee’s performance should be guided toward meeting the organization’s goals, and led by managers, coaches and mentors.”

She also wrote a textbook titled “Six Sigma for Students: A Problem-Solving Methodology” published by Palgrave-Macmillan and Springer in December 2020.

Publications and other activities

In addition, Professor Pakdil’s research has been published in notable journals such as IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, American Journal of Emergency Medicine Journal of Patient Safety, and Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Since 2014, she has served the U.S. Technical Group (US TAG/ISO TC 69) in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

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Thank you for everything you do! You have helped me grow so much as a student. I have learned so much working with you through the past several semesters. Thanks again!
Student Quote
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