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This concentration is for students admitted PRIOR to Fall 2024

For students admitted Fall 2024 OR AFTER:

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General Earth Science: Course Sequence

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule.  Below is a recommended Sequence.

Please Note: Each student’s Pathway will likely differ to some extent based on their course preferences, if they transferred credits to Eastern, etc.

First Year

EES 104 Dynamic Earth w/Lab (LAC TINS1) - 4 credits
EES 130 Ancient Environments w/Lab - 4 credits
CHE 210/212 General Chemistry I w/Lab - 4 credits
CHE 211/213 General Chemistry II w/Lab - 4 credits
ENG 100 College Writing (LAC: TIW) - 3-4 credits
MAT 130 Precalculus OR MAT 216 Statistical Data Analysis (LAC: TIM) - 3 credits (or see second year)
(LAC: TIM) - 3 credits
HPE 104 Health & Wellness (LAC: TIHW) - 2 credits
LAC Tier I: Two of TIA, TIHT, TIH, or TISS - 6 credits
FYE  First-Year Requirement - 1 credit

Total - 30-32 credits

Second Year

EES 224 Landform Analysis (for EES majors meets LAC: TIINs) - 4 credits
EES 330 Mineralogy and Rock Analysis - 4 credits
EES 340 Geographic Information Systems (for EES majors meets LAC: TII-IT) - 4 credits
MAT 243 Calculus I - 3-4 credits OR MAT 216 Statistical Data Analysis (LAC: TIM) - 3 credits
LAC Tier I: Two remaining Tier 1 courses from TIA, TIHT, TIH, or TISS - 6 credits
LAC Tier II: two of TIICE, TIICP, or TII-IS - 6 credits
Natural Science Course: choose one from EES list of three courses - 3 credits

Total - 28-31 credits

Third Year

EES 322 Hydrology 4 credits
EES 344 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy - 4 credits
EES 356 Structural Geology and Environmental Applications - 4 credits
PHY 204 Physics I 4 OR PHY 208 Physics I with Calculus - 4 credits
PHY 205 Physics II 4 OR PHY 209 Physics II with Calculus - 4 credits
LAC Tier I: Remaining Tier 1 course from TIA,TIHT, TIH, or TISS - 3 credits
LAC Tier II: One remaining TII class from TIICE, TIICP, or TII-IS - 3 credits
Natural Science Course: choose one from EES list of three courses - 3 credits
Elective: From EES recommended list - 3 credits

Total - 32 credits

Fourth Year

EES EES Writing Intensive Course 3-4 credits
EES 350 Field Methods - 4 credits
LAC Tier I and II: Any remaining classes - X credits
LAC Tier III: Liberal Arts Capstone - 3 credits
Any final requirements, independent study, practica, etc. - 10 credits

Total - 30 credits

1: A Student may take EES 110 Introduction to Geology, to satisfy this requirement, but they must also take EES 112 Earth Science Laboratory (1 credit lab course).

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