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Submit a Disciplinary Perspectives Course

Eastern students take eight disciplinary perspectives courses during their time at Eastern. These courses are for a non-major audience and engage students in high impact learning practices.

To submit a disciplinary perspectives course you must design a course intended for a non-major audience with at least two LAC competency based learning outcomes and one high impact learning practice. Depending on if this course is a new course, a course modification, and/or part of a major the paperwork varies.


Required Paperwork Based on Course Type

    • New Course Proposal Form
    • A syllabus including
      • Course description
      • Learning Outcomes (a primary ELAC learning outcome and a secondary ELAC learning outcome)
      • High Impact Teaching Practice(s)
      • Sample Assignments that assess learning outcomes
      • Approach to your subject matter appropriate for non-majors
      • Required materials
      • Course outline/calendar
    • Course Modification with ELAC Designation
    • If the course is not part of any major program, then no additional forms are necessary.
    • If the course is part of a major you may need to complete a program modification.
    • A syllabus including
      • Course description
      • Learning Outcomes (a primary ELAC learning outcome and a secondary ELAC learning outcome)
      • High Impact Teaching Practice(s)
      • Sample Assignments that assess learning outcomes
      • Approach to your subject matter appropriate for non-majors
      • Required materials
      • Course outline/calendar

The following video walks you through the entire process. For sample syllabi, completed forms, and other resources please visit this ELAC Resources for Faculty SharePoint Folder. After you have completed all forms and your syllabus, all files should be combined into a single pdf. Then follow this flowchart to submit your paperwork: Submitting to LAPC.

If you have questions, please contact
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