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For teachers interested in delivering Eastern courses at their high school, completing an online application and emailing additional supplemental items is required. Applications are reviewed by the appropriate Eastern department. Please know that the review process of these applications could take several weeks depending on department availability for meetings to discuss the applications. Dual Enrollment instructors may not begin teaching Eastern courses at their high school until their credentials and application have been officially approved by the university.
Important dates:
Please follow the steps below for instructor approval.
Step 1:
If your school has never offered an Eastern Dual Enrollment course before, counselors should connect with Eastern's Dual enrollment team to start the process. Reach out at dualenrollment@easternct.edu.
Step 2:
Interested teachers: view application requirements and submit application materials
Eastern courses taught at partnering schools are identical to the courses taught on Eastern's campus. Courses must be either 100-level or 200-level to be considered for approval. High school teachers delivering these courses must meet the qualifications and requirements set for Eastern Connecticut State University adjunct faculty members.
Applicants must have a master's degree in the discipline in which they are applying to teach. The appropriate academic department will determine whether applicants meet the qualifications to teach Eastern course(s) as Dual Enrollment instructors.
Step 3:
Once officially approved, start teaching! Remember to stay in touch - Instructors will be required to check-in with the supervising department, verify class rosters, and submit final grades.
Dual Enrollment instructors are expected to participate in faculty development as determined by the supervising department and will be evaluated according to the supervising department's procedures for adjunct faculty members. Reappointment will be determined by the supervising department.