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Bioinformatics Minor (19-21 Credits)

Prepares students to use computers to analyze genomic information, which is revolutionizing our understanding of health and disease. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary science that involves the development and use of computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to store and analyze large biological datasets, such as genomic sequences.

Minor Requirements

  • CSC 202 Introduction to Programming and Machine Intelligence or CSC 210 Computer Science and Programming I
  • MAT 216 Statistical Data Analysis or MAT 315 Applied Probability and Statistics           
  • BIO 230 Genetics w/ Laboratory  or BIO  304/314 Genetics and Society /Lab
  • CSC 314 Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • CSC 315 Genomic Data Analysis       

Minor Electives (Choose One)

  • CSC 342 Advanced Database Systems           
  • CSC 305 Data Mining and Applications
  • CSC/MAT 350 Numerical Analysis    
  • MAT 373 Explorations - Mathematical Biology 
  • BIO 450 Biotechnology with Lab          
  • BIO 436 Molecular Genetics with Lab  

Additional elective courses may count with approval of the Bioinformatics coordinator and the Department Chair.

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